Package com.goonit.imapi.jaxrs.servlet.isim

Class Summary
accessTypes accessTypes retrieves and manages ISIM AccessTypes.
account account is a RESTFul service which performs Create, Read, Update and Delete operations on individual Accounts.
accountAdopt accountAdopt is a RESTful service which adopts Orphan Accounts.
accountCompliance accountCompliance is a RESTFul service which checks Accounts for Compliance in ISIM.
accountEntitlements accountEntitlements is a RESTful service which retrieves the ProvisioningParameter for a Service in ISIM.
accountform accountform is a RESTful service which retrieves details of the ISIM Accountform template for an Account profile.
accountOrphan accountOrphan is a RESTful service which turns an existing Adopted account into an Orphan.
accountParameters accountParameters is a RESTful service which returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's account of the specified ownership type on the given service.
accountRestore accountRestore is a RESTful service which restores Accounts with a supplied password.
accountRestoreNopass accountRestoreNopass is a RESTful service which restores Accounts without a supplied password.
accountSearch accountSearch is a RESTful service which performs searches on accounts.
accountSearch2 Deprecated. use accountSearch This service will NOT return the Service Name of each account.
accountSuspend accountSuspend is a RESTful service which suspends Accounts.
customLabels customLabels is a RESTFul service which retrieves ISIM properties files from the data directory and returns them as a JSON Object.
forgottenPassword forgottenPassword is a RESTFul service which retrieves a set of user's forgotten password questions.
goonldap goonldap is a RESTFul service which performs LDAP Searches against the directory and converts all responses to JSON.
locationSearch locationSearch is a RESTFul service which retrieves Locations from the ISIM organizational tree.
myActivities myActivities is a RESTFul service which Lists the logged in user's activities.
objectprofile objectProfile is a RESTful service which retrieves the ISIM form template for an account profile
objectprofile2 Deprecated. Use /objectprofile instead
objectprofileByClass objectProfileByClass is a RESTful service which retrieves the ISIM account form template for a given objectclass.
orgSearch orgSearch is a RESTFul service which retrieves Organization Units from the ISIM org tree.
person person is a RESTFul service which performs Create, Read, Update and Delete operations on Person Entities.
personAccess personAccess is a RESTful service which processes ISIM Accesses for a Person entity
personAccessAuthorized personAccessAuthorized is a JAX-RS resource which returns an Items object containing an array of Accesses that the Person may request.
personAccounts personAccounts is a JAX RESTful service which returns a JSON Array of all the accounts which belong to a given Owner.
personAccountsPassword personAccountsPassword is a JAX-RS resource which changes all the Account passwords for a given person.
personAccountsRestore personAccountsRestore is a JAX-RS resource which restores the accounts and changes the passwords for a given person.
personActivities personActivities is a RESTFul service which Lists a Person's activities.
personGetEntitlements personGetEntitlements is a JAX-RS resource that returns the details of this Persons Entitlements determined through their Role Membership and the Provisioning Policies that are in existence.
personGetPolicies personAuthorizedServices is a simple a JAX-RS resource that returns the Provisioning Policies which apply to a user.
personPassword personRestore is a simple JAX-RS resource.
personRestore personRestore is a simple JAX-RS resource.
personRole Deprecated. do not use
personSearch personSearch is a RESTful service which performs searches on Persons.
personServiceEntitlements Deprecated. use personServicesAuthorized instead
personServicesAuthorized personAuthorizedServices is a simple a JAX-RS resource that returns the details of services which a user can request accounts.
personSuspend personSuspend is a simple JAX-RS service.
poster poster is a RESTful service echos posts back to the users browser as a file to be downloaded.
ppaGetPolicies Deprecated. - use /provpolicy instead
profileLocator profileLocator is a RESTFul service which returns objectProfiles by Category e.g.
profileSchema profileSchema is a RESTFul service which returns the schema for objectProfiles by Category e.g.
provpolicy provpolicy is a RESTFul service which performs Create, Read, Update and Delete operations on Provisioning Policies.
provPolicySearch provPolicySearch is a RESTful service which performs searches for Provisioning Policies.
role role is a RESTFul service which performs Create, Read, Update and Delete operations on Organizational Role Entities.
roleChildrenAdd roleChildrenAdd is a RESTFul service which makes Roles children of a parent role

This class has a Path annotation with the value "/roleChildrenAdd/{roleDN}" which means the resource will be available at: http://<hostname>:<port>/<context root>/<servlet path>/roleChildrenAdd/{roleDN} Only the POST Operation is supported and a JSON Array of child roles DN needs to be posted

roleChildrenRemove roleChildrenRemove is a RESTFul service which removes Child roles from their position under a parent Role

This class has a Path annotation with the value "/roleChildrenRemove/{roleDN}" which means the resource will be available at: http://<hostname>:<port>/<context root>/<servlet path>/roleChildrenRemove/{roleDN} Only the POST Operation is supported and a JSON Array of child roles DN needs to be posted.

roleGetPolicies roleGetPolicies is a JAX-RS resource which returns a JSON Array of Provisioning Policies.
roleMembersAdd roleMembersAdd is a RESTFul service which adds Person's into Roles
roleMembersRemove roleMembersRemove is a RESTFul service which adds Person's into Roles
roleSearch roleSearch is a RESTful service which performs searches on Roles.
service service is a RESTFul service which performs Create, Read, Update and Delete operations on Service Entities.
serviceprofile serviceprofile is a RESTFul service which returns the serviceprofile form template.
serviceReconcile serviceReconcile is a RESTFul service which performs Create, Read, Update and Delete operations on a Service's Reconciliation Schedule.
serviceReconcileNow serviceReconcileNow is a RESTful service which starts Service Reconciliations.
serviceSearch serviceSearch is a RESTful service which performs searches on Services.
whoami whoami is a JAX-RS resource which returns the details of the logged in user.
workflowActivity workflowActivity/{activityID} is a JAX-RS resource which returns the details of the Activity.
workflowAssignment workflowAssignment/{assignmentID} is a JAX-RS resource which returns the details of the logged in user.
workflowDetail Deprecated. use /workflowActivity
workflowProcessDetail workflowProcessDetail/{processID} is a JAX-RS resource which provides general information about a workflow process.
workflowSearch workflowSearch/ UNDER DEVELOPMENT - currently returns all WorkflowProcesses for the last 24 hours In the future will accept a POST of Search Parameters (Submitted for, Submitted by, Service, Date, etc) http://<hostname>:<port>/<context root>/goonapi/workflowSearch