Uses of Class

Packages that use DirectoryObjectEntity Provides a a low-level application programming interface for querying elements of the data model. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the core elements of the data model. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the system specific elements of the data model. Provides classes for working with FESI extensions. 

Uses of DirectoryObjectEntity in

Methods in that return DirectoryObjectEntity
 DirectoryObjectEntity DuplicateEntryException.getEntity()
          Returns the duplicated entity
static DirectoryObjectEntity DirectoryObjectEntity.getEntity(DirectoryObject dirObject)
          Returns the parent of the current object.
 DirectoryObjectEntity DirectoryObjectEntity.getParent()
          Returns the parent of the current object.
 DirectoryObjectEntity DirectoryObjectSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Searches for a directory object with the given distinguished name.

Methods in with parameters of type DirectoryObjectEntity
 boolean Relationship.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity participates in the relationship.
 boolean DirectoryObjectParent.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is the parent of the subject entity.
 boolean RelationshipSelf.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          This method checks whether input participant participates in the relationship.
 void DuplicateEntryException.setEntity(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the duplicated entity
 void Relationship.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void DirectoryObjectParent.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void RelationshipSelf.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          This method sets the subject for the relationship.

Constructors in with parameters of type DirectoryObjectEntity
DuplicateEntryException(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Object[] tokenValues, java.lang.Throwable cause, DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Constructs an DuplicateEntryException with a message and original exception.
DuplicateEntryException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause, DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Constructs an DuplicateEntryException with a message and original exception.

Uses of DirectoryObjectEntity in

Subclasses of DirectoryObjectEntity in
 class AccountEntity
          Class that represents an account in the data model.
 class AdminDomainEntity
          Class that represents a admin domain in the logical organization chart within the data model.
 class BusinessPartnerEntity
          Represents a business partner in the data model.
 class BusinessPartnerOrgEntity
          Class that represents a business partner organization in the logical organization chart within the data model.
 class BusinessUnitEntity
          Class that represents a business unit in the logical organization chart within the data model.
 class DirectorySystemEntity
          Class that represents the root node for the system (tenant) in the data model and holds the system (tenant) wide configuration settings.
 class DynamicRoleEntity
          Class that represents a dynamic role in the data model.
 class GroupEntity
          This class represents a group in the data model.
 class HostedServiceEntity
          Class that represents a hosted service in the data model.
 class OrganizationalContainerEntity
          Class that represents a container in the logical organization chart within the data model.
 class OrganizationEntity
          Class that represents an organization in the logical organization chart within the data model.
 class PersonEntity
          Represents a person (identity) in the data model.
 class RoleEntity
          Represents a Role in the data model.
 class ServiceEntity
          Class that represents a service within the data model.

Methods in that return DirectoryObjectEntity
 DirectoryObjectEntity AccountEntity.addComplianceIssue(ComplianceIssue issue)
          Changes the current compliance issues logged against the account.
 DirectoryObjectEntity ServiceModel.addSupportingData(AttributeValues rdn, DirectoryObject directoryObject)
          Add a supporting data entry to the enrole data store.
 DirectoryObjectEntity ServiceEntity.getOwnerObject()
          Returns the owner object of the service (if any).
 DirectoryObjectEntity DirectorySystemEntity.getParent()
          Returns the parent of the directory system, which since the directory system represents the root of the system (tenant), will return null.
abstract  DirectoryObjectEntity AbstractPolicySearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Searches for a policy object with the given distinguished name.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type DirectoryObjectEntity
 java.util.Collection<DirectoryObjectEntity> RoleEntity.getOwnerObjects()
          Returns the owner objects of the role, if any.

Methods in with parameters of type DirectoryObjectEntity
 boolean Supervisor.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an supervisor of the subject entity.
 boolean GroupService.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a service of the subject directory object.
 boolean ServiceOwner.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an owner of the subject directory object.
 boolean PersonSelf.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is "self" to the subject directory object.
 boolean PersonRole.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a role of the subject person.
 boolean PersonAccount.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an account of the subject person.
 boolean OrganizationParent.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is the parent of the subject entity.
 boolean MultipleOwners.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an owner of the subject directory object.
 boolean AccountTemplateService.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a service of the subject directory object.
 boolean BusinessPartnerSponsor.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a sponsor of the subject entity.
 boolean AccountService.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a service of the subject directory object.
 boolean AccessOwner.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an owner of the subject directory object.
 boolean DirectoryObjectOrganization.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an organization of the subject entity.
 boolean AccountOwner.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an owner of the subject directory object.
 boolean AdminDomainAdministrator.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an administrator of the subject admin domain.
 boolean AccountParent.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a parent of the subject directory object.
 boolean ContainedEntityParent.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is the parent of the subject entity.
 void Supervisor.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void GroupService.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void ServiceOwner.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void PersonSelf.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void PersonRole.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void PersonAccount.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void OrganizationParent.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void MultipleOwners.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void AccountTemplateService.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void BusinessPartnerSponsor.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void AccountService.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void AccessOwner.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void DirectoryObjectOrganization.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void AccountOwner.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void AdminDomainAdministrator.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void AccountParent.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.
 void ContainedEntityParent.setSubject(DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Sets the subject entity for the relationship.

Uses of DirectoryObjectEntity in

Subclasses of DirectoryObjectEntity in
 class SystemRoleEntity
          Represents a system role (group) in the data model.
 class SystemUserEntity
          Represents a usr of the system (platform) in the data model.

Uses of DirectoryObjectEntity in

Methods in with parameters of type DirectoryObjectEntity
static FESI.jslib.JSObject JSDirectoryObjectFactory.createDirectoryObject(FESI.jslib.JSGlobalObject go, DirectoryObjectEntity entity)
          Deprecated. Within the context of the global JS object, create a DirectoryObject JS object.
static FESI.jslib.JSObject JSDirectoryObjectFactory.createDirectoryObject(FESI.jslib.JSGlobalObject go, FESI.jslib.JSObject parent, java.lang.String name, DirectoryObjectEntity directoryObjectEntity)
          Deprecated. Within the context of the global JS object, create a named DirectoryObject JS object.
static JSDirectoryObjectFactory.createDirectoryObjectWrapper(DirectoryObjectEntity directoryObjectEntity)
          Deprecated. factory method for creating DirectoryObjectWrappers of the correct subclass This method may be used by extensions that need to return directory object wrappers from extension methods.

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
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