
Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for Account, Service, and Password management.


Interface Summary
IUserAccess A generic interface to represent an access Access is an abstraction of IT resource access that is independent of access control mechanism in IT environment.

Class Summary
AccessEntitlement The class represents the access entitlement information which is to be used while requesting for an access.
AccessManager Provides aggregate access management capabilities.
AccountManager Provides aggregate account management capabilities.
AccountMO Managed object representing an account.
AttributeProperty This class holds attribute properties.
Compliance This class holds the information about the account compliance status, the required attribute changes to make the account compliant, and the attribute properties for the non-compliant attributes.
GroupManager Provides group management capabilities.
GroupMO Represents a managed Group object.
ManualWorkOrder This class holds the work order details of a manual service or service connected in manual mode.
NewUserAccess This is a value object that contains information about a new user access
Participant This class represents an individual, department, role, and so forth that is responsible for a specific unit of work or activity within a workflow process.
PasswordManager Provides aggregate password management capabilities.
ServiceManager Provides aggregate service management capabilities.
ServiceMO Managed object representing a service.
ServiceRestartResult Result of the service restart operation, which is a two step process.
ServiceStatistics Value object containing the statistics tracked for a particular service.
ServiceStatusDetail Value object containing detailed status information about the service.
ServiceTestResult Holds the result of a service test.
UserAccessInfo Implementation of the interface.

Enum Summary
ManualWorkOrder.OperationType The enum to represent the various types of valid operations.
Participant.ParticipantType enum to represent the various types of valid participants.
ServiceRestartResult.ServiceRestartRetryResult Enumeration with values representing the result of the blocked request restart.
ServiceRestartResult.ServiceRestartTestResult Enumeration with values representing the result of the service test operation.
ServiceStatus An enumeration of values representing the status of the service.

Exception Summary
PasswordRuleException This class identifies a problem with a set of password rules, or the combination of password rules from different password policies.

Package Description

Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for Account, Service, and Password management.

For a high-level overview, see the Applications API Overview

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2012. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricited Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.