Class SearchMO

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SearchMO
extends java.lang.Object

Provides a configurable query facility for DirectoryObject. Like other remoteable API classes, a SearchMO is constructed with a PlatformContext and an authenticated Subject. A SearchMO is configured, then executed to obtain a SearchResultsMO object which represents a result set and provides methods to traverse results page by page. The SearchMO controls search execution in a number of ways, such as through its string based filter (an RFC2254 ldap filter), its scope (ONELEVEL_SCOPE or SUBTREE_SCOPE), and its category. The SearchMO also defines the original sort order for a SearchResultsMO through its setSortOrder() - one of ASCENDING_SORT or DESCENDING_SORT, and setSortAttribute() methods. Taken together, the parameters that control search execution and define the contents of a SearchResultsMO are known as search criteria. Last, a SearchResultsMO returned by SearchMO.execute() always contains objects that are accessible to the Subject (to the SystemUser the Subject represents) consistent with permissions defined in system ACLs so that the SearchMO and the SearchResultsMO (the Search API) impose (but also guarantee) authorized access.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          Constant identifying a low to high sort order.
          Constant identifying a high to low sort order.
          Constant identifying a single level search scope.
static int SUBTREE_SCOPE
          Constant identifying a subtree level search scope.
Constructor Summary
SearchMO(PlatformContext platform, subject)
          Constructs a SearchMO with a platform context and a subject.
Method Summary
 SearchResultsMO execute()
          Executes the search using the configured parameters.
 void execute(SearchResultsMO resultsMO)
          Executes the search using the configured parameters.
 java.lang.Object[] getAdditionalMethodParams()
          Returns the additional parameters accepted by backend.
 java.lang.String[] getAttributes()
          Returns the set of attributes that will be retrieved for every result returned.
 java.lang.String getCategory()
          Returns the ObjectProfileCategory for the search.
 CompoundDN getContext()
          Gets the logicalContext for the search.
 java.lang.String getFilter()
          Returns the Ldap filter for the search.
 java.util.Locale getLocale()
          Returns the SearchMO's Locale.
 int getMaxSize()
          Returns the maximum number of results to be returned from the search.
 OrganizationalContainerMO getOrgContext()
          Returns the context (base) for the search.
 int getPageLinks()
          Returns the number of pages to be pre-fetched.
 int getPageSize()
          Returns the pageSize property.
 java.lang.String getProfileName()
          Returns the ObjectProfile name for the search.
 int getScope()
          Returns the scope of the search.
 java.lang.String getSortAttribute()
          Returns the name of the attribute to sort by.
 int getSortOrder()
          Returns the sort order for the result set.
 boolean isPaging()
          Returns true if the result set should be paginated.
 void mapToSearchMO( searchRequest)
          Copies the parameters in the given SearchRequest into this object.
static mapToSearchRequest(SearchMO searchMO)
          Copies the parameters in the given SearchMO into a new SearchRequest.
 void setAdditionalMethodParams(java.lang.Object[] additionalParams)
          Sets the additional parameters accepted by backend.
 void setAttributes(java.lang.String[] attributes)
          Sets the attributes to retrieve for each result returned.
 void setCategory(java.lang.String category)
          Sets the Object Profile Category for the search.
 void setContext(CompoundDN logicalContext)
          Sets the logicalContext for the search, or which node in the OrgChart to start searching from.
 void setContext(OrganizationalContainerMO containerMO)
          Sets the context (base) for the search, if set, takes precedence over setContext(CompoundDN logicalContext).
 void setFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Sets the Ldap filter for the search.
 void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the user's Locale.
 void setMaxSize(int max)
          Sets the maximum number of results to return from the search.
 void setPageLinks(int pageLinks)
          Sets the number of pages to be pre-fetched on one call to SearchResultsMO.getPage().
 void setPageSize(int pageSize)
          Sets the number of DirectoryObjects to return in SearchResultsMO.getPage().
 void setPaging(boolean toggle)
          Toggles pagination on/off for the request.
 void setProfileName(java.lang.String objProfileName)
          Sets the ObjectProfile name for the search.
 void setScope(int scope)
          Sets the scope of the search.
 void setSortAttribute(java.lang.String sortAttribute)
          Sets the name of the attribute to sort by.
 void setSortOrder(int sortOrder)
          Sets the sort order for the result set.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Overrides Object implementation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int ASCENDING_SORT
Constant identifying a low to high sort order.


public static int DESCENDING_SORT
Constant identifying a high to low sort order.


public static int ONELEVEL_SCOPE
Constant identifying a single level search scope.


public static int SUBTREE_SCOPE
Constant identifying a subtree level search scope.

Constructor Detail


public SearchMO(PlatformContext platform,
Constructs a SearchMO with a platform context and a subject.

platform - PlatformContext holding platform connection information.
subject - Subject representing the authenticated caller.
Method Detail


public SearchResultsMO execute()
                        throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Executes the search using the configured parameters. Note that not all objects that meet the search criteria will be accessible by the client. Those objects will not placed in the result set and no AuthorizationException will be thrown. Refer to setCatgeory(String category) for a list of supported category.

SearchResultsMO holding the results of the search.
java.rmi.RemoteException - Thrown if unable to communicate with platform.
ApplicationException - Thrown if unable to execute the search. This is most likely caused by an invalid parameter in the SearchRequest.


public void execute(SearchResultsMO resultsMO)
             throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
Executes the search using the configured parameters. Note that not all objects that meet the search criteria will be accessible by the client. Those objects will not placed in the result set and no AuthorizationException will be thrown.

resultsMO - SearchResultsMO to hold the results of the search. Note, if the SearchResultsMO object was constructed using a different user context, that context will be changed to match the context of this object.
java.rmi.RemoteException - Thrown if unable to communicate with platform.
ApplicationException - Thrown if unable to execute the search. This is most likely caused by an invalid parameter in the SearchRequest.


public void setContext(CompoundDN logicalContext)
Sets the logicalContext for the search, or which node in the OrgChart to start searching from.

logicalContext - a CompoundDN that defines the base of the search. At least one (1) element and at most three (3) are expected:
  • The first element of compoundDN is required and must contain the tenant's DistinguishedName.
  • The second element of compoundDN is optional and if specified, it must contain organization's DistinguishedName.
  • The third element of compoundDN is optional and if specified, it must contain parent's DistinguishedName. For the ManagableCategoryConstant.ACCOUNT object profile category, Parent's DistinguishedName is the DistinguishedName of the account's Service.
An element cannot be skipped. For example, you can not pass the parent DN without passing the organization DN. For ObjectProfileCategoryConstant.ORG and ObjectProfileCategoryConstant.SYSTEM_USER object profile categories, the CompoundDN should contain only one DistinguishedName identifying the tenant to use as the base of the search.


public void setContext(OrganizationalContainerMO containerMO)
Sets the context (base) for the search, if set, takes precedence over setContext(CompoundDN logicalContext). Useful in cases where an OrganizationalContainerMO is available to the application (client) executing the search.

containerMO - an OrganizationalContainerMO.


public OrganizationalContainerMO getOrgContext()
Returns the context (base) for the search.

containerMO an OrganizationalContainerMO, if any.


public CompoundDN getContext()
Gets the logicalContext for the search.

The logicalContext of the search.


public void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
Sets the user's Locale. Used in conjuction with setSortAttribute() to define the order of the resutls in the SearchResultsMO returned by execute().

locale - the user's Locale.


public java.util.Locale getLocale()
Returns the SearchMO's Locale.

locale the user's Locale.


public void setCategory(java.lang.String category)
Sets the Object Profile Category for the search.

category - ObjectProfileCategory for the objects to search for.

May be one of:

Use String Constant To search for
ObjectProfileCategory.ACCOUNT Accounts
ObjectProfileCategory.ADOPTION_POLICY AdoptionPolicy
ObjectProfileCategory.BPPERSON BP Persons
ObjectProfileCategory.BPUNIT Business Partner Organizations
ObjectProfileCategory.CONTAINER OrganizationalContainer
ObjectProfileCategory.CUSTOM_PROCESS Custom Processes or Workflows
ObjectProfileCategory.DYNAMIC_ROLE Dynamic Roles
ObjectProfileCategory.HOST_SELECTION_POLICY Host Selection Policies
ObjectProfileCategory.IDENTITY_POLICY Identity Policies
ObjectProfileCategory.LOCATION Business Units
ObjectProfileCategory.ORG Organizations
ObjectProfileCategory.ORGUNIT Business Units or Organizational Units
ObjectProfileCategory.PASSWORD_POLICY Password Policies
ObjectProfileCategory.PERSON Persons or People
ObjectProfileCategory.PROVISIONING_POLICY Provisioning Policies
ObjectProfileCategory.RECERTIFICATION_POLICY Recertification Policies
ObjectProfileCategory.ROLE Roles
ObjectProfileCategory.SECURITY_DOMAIN Admin Domains
ObjectProfileCategory.SEPARATION_OF_DUTY_POLICY Separation of Duties Policies
ObjectProfileCategory.SERVICE Services
ObjectProfileCategory.SYSTEM_ROLE System Roles
ObjectProfileCategory.SYSTEM_USER System Users
ObjectProfileCategory.TENANT Tenants
ObjectProfileCategory.GROUP Service Group
ObjectProfileCategory.ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE Account Template
ObjectProfileCategory.CREDENTIAL Credential
ObjectProfileCategory.CREDENTIAL_POOL Credential Pool
ObjectProfileCategory.CREDENTIAL_LEASE Credential Lease
ObjectProfileCategory.SHARED_ACCESS_POLICY Shared Access Policy


public java.lang.String getCategory()
Returns the ObjectProfileCategory for the search.

category ObjectProfileCategory for the objects to search for.


public void setFilter(java.lang.String filter)
Sets the Ldap filter for the search. The filter must be in the format specified in RFC2254.

filter - Ldap filter in RFC2254 format for the search.


public java.lang.String getFilter()
Returns the Ldap filter for the search.

filter Ldap filter for the search.


public void setProfileName(java.lang.String objProfileName)
Sets the ObjectProfile name for the search. Optional parameter for more focused searches where the ObjectProfile name is known. From a performance standpoint, it's important for a SearchMO client to take into account that in the absence of a specific ObjectProfile name, SearchMO.execute() returns a SearchResultsMO that contains all the objects in the category specified by SearchMO.setCategory() - a very broad and potentially long running search in some cases.

objProfileName - ObjectProfile name for the objects to search for.


public java.lang.String getProfileName()
Returns the ObjectProfile name for the search.

objProfileName ObjectProfile name for the objects to search for.


public void setSortAttribute(java.lang.String sortAttribute)
Sets the name of the attribute to sort by.

sortAttribute - The name of the attribute to sort by.


public java.lang.String getSortAttribute()
Returns the name of the attribute to sort by.

sortAttribute name of the attribute to sort by; null if it is not set.


public void setScope(int scope)
Sets the scope of the search.

scope - int representing scope. Value may be ONELEVEL_SCOPE or SUBTREE_SCOPE.


public int getScope()
Returns the scope of the search.

int representing scope. Value may be ONELEVEL_SCOPE or SUBTREE_SCOPE.


public void setMaxSize(int max)
Sets the maximum number of results to return from the search.

max - Maximum number of results.


public int getMaxSize()
Returns the maximum number of results to be returned from the search.

Maximum number of results.


public void setPaging(boolean toggle)
Toggles pagination on/off for the request. Default is true. Used to override the default and obtain an entire result set with this request.

toggle - true/false option to paginate the result set.


public boolean isPaging()
Returns true if the result set should be paginated.

true if the result set should be paginated.


public int getSortOrder()
Returns the sort order for the result set. One of: ASCENDING_SORT or DESCENDING_SORT

result set sort order.


public void setSortOrder(int sortOrder)
Sets the sort order for the result set. Must be one of: ASCENDING_SORT or DESCENDING_SORT

sortOrder - result set sort order.


public void setAttributes(java.lang.String[] attributes)
Sets the attributes to retrieve for each result returned. In general, specifying attributes in a SearchMO is more efficient than not because it reduces search time and reduces the overall size of the objects in the SearchResultsMO.

attributes - String[] holding the names of attributes to return with each result. Passing null will be interpreted as all attributes should be returned.


public java.lang.String[] getAttributes()
Returns the set of attributes that will be retrieved for every result returned.

String[] array holding the names of attributes to be returned, null if all will be returned.


public void setPageSize(int pageSize)
Sets the number of DirectoryObjects to return in SearchResultsMO.getPage().

pageSize - the number of DirectoryObjects to return in SearchResultsMO.getPage().


public int getPageSize()
Returns the pageSize property.

int the number of DirectoryObjects to return in SearchResultsMO.getPage().


public void setPageLinks(int pageLinks)
Sets the number of pages to be pre-fetched on one call to SearchResultsMO.getPage(). Pre-fetched pages are stored in an internal cache, and will be returned on subsequent calls to getPage(), thereby improving the performance of subsequent function calls at the cost of increased memory consumption. If SearchResultsMO.getPage() is used to retrieve large results , then it is recommended to set this property to 1, to optimize memory consumption.

pageLinks - the number of pages to be pre-fetched on invoking SearchResultsMO.getPage().


public int getPageLinks()
Returns the number of pages to be pre-fetched.

int the number of pages to be pre-fetched.


public void setAdditionalMethodParams(java.lang.Object[] additionalParams)
Sets the additional parameters accepted by backend.

additionalParams - is a list of objects accepted by backend


public java.lang.Object[] getAdditionalMethodParams()
Returns the additional parameters accepted by backend.

Object[] a list of objects accepted by backend.


public static mapToSearchRequest(SearchMO searchMO)
Copies the parameters in the given SearchMO into a new SearchRequest.

searchMO - a SearchMO to map to a SearchRequest.
a SearchRequest object.


public void mapToSearchMO( searchRequest)
Copies the parameters in the given SearchRequest into this object.

searchRequest - a SearchRequest object holding parameters to copy into this SearchMO.


public java.lang.String toString()
Overrides Object implementation.

toString in class java.lang.Object

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2012. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricited Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.