Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelException Provides a a low-level application programming interface for querying elements of the data model. 

Uses of ModelException in

Subclasses of ModelException in
 class DuplicateEntryException
          DuplicateEntryException is a subclass of ModelCreationException used for errors that arise when attempting to create an entry in the data store and in case the entry already exists.
 class ModelCommunicationException
          ModelCommunicationException is an exception class used for errors that arise due to communications issues.
 class ModelCreationException
          ModelCreationException is an exception class used for errors that arise when attempting to create an entry in the data store for data model specific reasons.
 class ModelIntegrityException
          ModelIntegrityException is an exception class used for errors that arise due to issues with the integrity of the data model.
 class ModelModificationException
          ModelModificationException is an exception class used for errors that arise due to failure of updating an object of the data model.
 class ModelRemoveException
          ModelRemoveException is an exception class used for errors that arise due to failure of removing an object of the data model.
 class ObjectNotFoundException
          ObjectNotFoundException is an exception class used when an entry that is searched for is not found.
 class PartialResultsException
          PartialResultsException is an exception class used for errors that arise that result in only a portion of a data model request being completed.
 class SearchResultsException
          Defines an exception class that extends from ModelException.
 class URINotUniqueException

Methods in that return ModelException
 ModelException SearchResultsStatus.getException()
          Returns the exception (if any) that caused the problem with the search.

Methods in with parameters of type ModelException
 void SearchResultsStatus.setException(ModelException e)
          Changes the exception (if any) that caused the problem with the search.

Methods in that throw ModelException
 void EntityLifecycleProfile.removeOperation(java.lang.String operationName)
          Removes an operation from the list of supported operations.
 void ObjectProfile.removeOperation(java.lang.String operationName)
          Removes an operation from the list of supported operations
 void ManagableProfile.removeOperation(java.lang.String operationName)
          Removes an operation from the list of supported operations
 void ObjectProfileCategory.removeOperation(java.lang.String operationName)
          Removes an operation from the list of supported operations

Constructors in with parameters of type ModelException
SearchResultsStatus(int reason, ModelException e)
          Constructs with a problem reason and a causing exception (if any).

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
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