Uses of Interface

Packages that use SearchResults Provides a a low-level application programming interface for querying elements of the data model. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the core elements of the data model. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the system specific elements of the data model. 

Uses of SearchResults in

Methods in that return SearchResults
 SearchResults DirectoryObjectSearch.fetch(DistinguishedName base, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for DirectoryObjects that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults DirectoryObjectSearch.searchByClass(DistinguishedName base, java.lang.String className, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for DirectoryObjects of the given class.

Uses of SearchResults in

Methods in that return SearchResults
 SearchResults ScalableAccountTable.getAll()
          Returns all accounts hosted by the service including account on concrete and hosted services.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getAll()
          Returns all accounts hosted by the service including account on concrete and hosted services.
 SearchResults ServiceModel.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Gets all supporting data for the service matching the given filter.
 SearchResults ScalableAccountTable.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Returns all accounts matching the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Returns all accounts matching the given filter.
 SearchResults ServiceModel.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter, boolean useClientSideFilteringForGroup)
 SearchResults AccountTable.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter, boolean useServiceTypeOptimization)
 SearchResults AccountTable.getByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN)
          Returns all accounts owned by the specified person.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getByUserID(java.lang.String userID)
          Returns all accounts hosted by the service with the given user id.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.getDependantServices(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves all dependant services from the data store with the given distinguished name of service.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getFlaggedNoncompliant()
          Returns all accounts hosted by the service including account on concrete and hosted services that have been flagged as non-compliant.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getOrphaned()
          Returns all orphaned accounts hosted by the service.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getOrphansByFilter(java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all orphaned accounts hosted by the service with the given user id.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getOrphansByUserID(java.lang.String userID)
          Returns all orphaned accounts hosted by the service with the given user id.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getOwned()
          Returns all owned accounts hosted by the service.
 SearchResults ScalableAccountTable.getOwned(java.util.ArrayList attributeList)
          Returns all owned accounts hosted by the service.
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByAccess(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String groupProfileName, java.lang.String accessInfo, java.lang.String accessType, SearchParameters params)
          Finds the groups in a specific organizational container (including organization) that are enabled for user request and matches the user's search criteria.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByAlias(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String alias, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people with the given alias.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByAlias(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String alias, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people with the given alias.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByAuthorizedRole(DistinguishedName roleDN, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people who are members of a given role or members of a child role of the given role in the role hierarchy
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByAuthorizedRoles(java.util.Collection<DistinguishedName> roleCol, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people who are members of any one of the roles in the given collection or members of a child role of any of the roles in the given collection
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, SearchParameters params, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String categoryName)
          Searches for people in a given category that meet the criteria defined within the given filter .
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, SearchParameters params, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String categoryName, java.lang.Comparable clientSideFilter)
          Searches for people in a given category that meet the criteria defined within the given filter .
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for services that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults RoleSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationalContainerSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizational containers that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for groups of all types that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for accounts that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults DynamicRoleSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for dynamic roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessPartnerOrgSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for business partner organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AdminDomainSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for admin domains that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, java.lang.Boolean includeITIMAccount)
          Searches for accounts that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, java.lang.Comparable clientSideFilter)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessPartnerOrgSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldapContext)
          Searches for business partner organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AdminDomainSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldapContext)
          Searches for admin domains that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, boolean resolveProfileAlias, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for services that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for services that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults RoleSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationalContainerSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String objProfileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizational containers that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for groups that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for accounts that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessUnitSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for business units that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, java.lang.Boolean includeITIMAccount)
          Searches for accounts that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, java.lang.Comparable clientSideFilter)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessUnitSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldapContext)
          Searches for business units that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationSearch.searchByFilter(DistinguishedName tenantDN, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults RoleSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationalContainerSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizational containers that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults DynamicRoleSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for dynamic roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessPartnerOrgSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for business partner organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AdminDomainSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for admin domains that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, boolean resolveProfileAlias, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for services that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessUnitSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for business units that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByGroup(DistinguishedName groupDN, SearchParameters parameters)
          Returns all accounts belongs to a specific group.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByGroupAndUserId(DistinguishedName groupDN, java.lang.String userId, SearchParameters parameters)
          Returns all accounts belongs to a specific group.
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByGroupInfo(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> searchAttributes, java.lang.String groupInfo, SearchParameters params)
          Finds groups defined for a specific service and a specific group profile
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByName(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String name)
          Searches for people for a given name.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByName(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String serviceName, SearchParameters params)
          Finds all services identified by the given name.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByName(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String name, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people for a given name.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByProfile(CompoundDN searchContext, SearchParameters params, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String value)
          Searches for people in a given category that meet the criteria defined within the given filter .
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByProfile(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, SearchParameters params, boolean resolveProfileAlias)
          Finds all services identified by the given profile name.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByRole(DistinguishedName roleDN, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people who are members of a given role.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByService(DistinguishedName serviceDN)
          Finds all accounts for a specific service including orphan accounts.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByService(DistinguishedName serviceDN, java.lang.String filter)
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByServiceAndGroupInfo(DistinguishedName serviceDN, java.lang.String profileName, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> searchAttributes, java.lang.String groupInfo, SearchParameters params)
          Finds groups defined for a specific service and a specific group profile.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchOrphansByService(DistinguishedName serviceDN)
          Returns a set of orphan accounts hosted by the specified service.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchOrphansByService(DistinguishedName serviceDN, SearchParameters params)
          Returns a set of orphan accounts hosted by the specified service.

Uses of SearchResults in

Methods in that return SearchResults
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByCategory(CompoundDN searchContext, int category, SearchParameters params)
          Retrieves all system roles within the given category.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByCategory(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, int category, SearchParameters params)
          Retrieves all system roles within the given category.
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByDelegate(DistinguishedName tenantDN, DistinguishedName delegateDN, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users that have the specified delegate.
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByFilter(DistinguishedName tenantDN, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByName(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String name, SearchParameters params)
          Retrieves all system roles within the given name.
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users (platform accounts) owned by the given person (identity).
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByRole(DistinguishedName roleDN, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users (platform accounts) that are members of the given system role (group).

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
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