Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceMO Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for Shared Access Module. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for Account, Service, and Password management. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for reconciliation management. 

Uses of ServiceMO in

Methods in that return ServiceMO
 ServiceMO CredentialPoolMO.getService()
          Returns the service of the credential pool.

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceMO
 CredentialPoolMO CredentialPoolManager.createPool(OrganizationalContainerMO orgContainer, ServiceMO service, CredentialPool credentialPool)
          Creates a credential pool for the given service in an organizational container.
 CredentialPoolMO CredentialPoolManager.createPool(ServiceMO service, CredentialPool credentialPool)
          Creates a credential pool for the given service.

Uses of ServiceMO in

Methods in that return ServiceMO
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject, ManualWorkOrder manualWorkOrder)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject, ManualWorkOrder manualWorkOrder)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject, ServiceTestResult result)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject, ServiceTestResult result)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 ServiceMO ServiceMO.getHost()
          Returns the host, or concrete service, this service proxies.
 ServiceMO ServiceMO.getHost()
          Returns the host, or concrete service, this service proxies.
 ServiceMO AccountMO.getService()
          Returns the service that hosts this account.
 ServiceMO AccountMO.getService()
          Returns the service that hosts this account.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.getServiceByURI(OrganizationalContainerMO container, java.lang.String uri)
          Returns the service for the given Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) within the specified parent container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.getServiceByURI(OrganizationalContainerMO container, java.lang.String uri)
          Returns the service for the given Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) within the specified parent container.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ServiceMO
 java.util.Collection<ServiceMO> ServiceManager.getServices(OrganizationalContainerMO container, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String name, java.util.Collection<ServiceStatus> statusValues, boolean subtree, int sizeLimit)
          Returns the service(s) with the profileName, name, and status within the given parent container.
 java.util.Collection<ServiceMO> ServiceManager.getServices(OrganizationalContainerMO container, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String name, java.util.Collection<ServiceStatus> statusValues, boolean subtree, int sizeLimit)
          Returns the service(s) with the profileName, name, and status within the given parent container.

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceMO
 Compliance AccountManager.checkAccountCompliance(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, AttributeValues params)
          Checks the account compliance on the given service with the given parameters for the given owner.
 Compliance AccountManager.checkAccountCompliance(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, AttributeValues params)
          Checks the account compliance on the given service with the given parameters for the given owner.
 Compliance AccountManager.checkAccountCompliance(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType, AttributeValues params)
          This method checks the account compliance on the service with the parameters for the owner.
 Compliance AccountManager.checkAccountCompliance(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType, AttributeValues params)
          This method checks the account compliance on the service with the parameters for the owner.
 Request AccountManager.createAccount(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, Account subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates an account in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the given person.
 Request AccountManager.createAccount(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, Account subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates an account in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the given person.
 Request AccountManager.createAccount(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType, Account subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This method creates an account in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the given person.
 Request AccountManager.createAccount(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType, Account subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This method creates an account in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the given person.
 GroupMO GroupManager.createGroup(ServiceMO serviceMO, Group group)
          Creates a group on a service.
 GroupMO GroupManager.createGroup(ServiceMO serviceMO, Group group)
          Creates a group on a service.
 AttributeValues AccountManager.getAccountParameters(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service)
          Returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's individual account on the given service.
 AttributeValues AccountManager.getAccountParameters(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service)
          Returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's individual account on the given service.
 AttributeValues AccountManager.getAccountParameters(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType)
          Returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's account of the specified ownership type on the given service.
 AttributeValues AccountManager.getAccountParameters(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType)
          Returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's account of the specified ownership type on the given service.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAccounts(ServiceMO service, java.lang.String uid)
          Returns the account(s) with the uid hosted on the given service.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAccounts(ServiceMO service, java.lang.String uid)
          Returns the account(s) with the uid hosted on the given service.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAccounts(ServiceMO service, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object attributeValue)
          Returns the account(s) matching the given attribute hosted on the given service.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAccounts(ServiceMO service, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object attributeValue)
          Returns the account(s) matching the given attribute hosted on the given service.
 void AccountManager.getAccounts(ServiceMO service, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object attributeValue, SearchResultsMO results)
          Returns the account(s) matching the given attribute hosted on the given service.
 void AccountManager.getAccounts(ServiceMO service, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object attributeValue, SearchResultsMO results)
          Returns the account(s) matching the given attribute hosted on the given service.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAuthorizedOwnershipTypes(ServiceMO service, PersonMO person)
          Returns the authorized ownership types for the person on the given service
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAuthorizedOwnershipTypes(ServiceMO service, PersonMO person)
          Returns the authorized ownership types for the person on the given service
 void GroupManager.getGroups(ServiceMO serviceMO, java.lang.String groupInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the groups by the name or description for the given service.
 void GroupManager.getGroups(ServiceMO serviceMO, java.lang.String groupInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the groups by the name or description for the given service.
 void GroupManager.getGroups(ServiceMO serviceMO, java.lang.String groupProfileName, java.lang.String groupInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the groups by the name or description for the given service and group profile.
 void GroupManager.getGroups(ServiceMO serviceMO, java.lang.String groupProfileName, java.lang.String groupInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the groups by the name or description for the given service and group profile.
 void GroupManager.getGroupsByAccess(ServiceMO serviceMO, java.lang.String accessInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the groups by access name or description for the given service.
 void GroupManager.getGroupsByAccess(ServiceMO serviceMO, java.lang.String accessInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the groups by access name or description for the given service.
 void GroupManager.getGroupsByAccess(ServiceMO serviceMO, java.lang.String groupProfileName, java.lang.String accessInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the groups by access name or description for the given service and group profile.
 void GroupManager.getGroupsByAccess(ServiceMO serviceMO, java.lang.String groupProfileName, java.lang.String accessInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the groups by access name or description for the given service and group profile.
 void AccountManager.getNonCompliantAccounts(ServiceMO service, SearchResultsMO results)
          Returns all accounts on the given service that are currently tracked as non-compliant by the provisioning system through the results parameter.
 void AccountManager.getNonCompliantAccounts(ServiceMO service, SearchResultsMO results)
          Returns all accounts on the given service that are currently tracked as non-compliant by the provisioning system through the results parameter.
 boolean AccountManager.isAccountCompliant(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, AttributeValues params, java.util.Collection errors)
          Deprecated. Please use checkAccountCompliance method.
 boolean AccountManager.isAccountCompliant(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, AttributeValues params, java.util.Collection errors)
          Deprecated. Please use checkAccountCompliance method.

Uses of ServiceMO in

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceMO
 void ReconManager.addReconUnitData(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData, IReconCompleteCallback reconCompleteCallback)
          Adds and configures a reconciliation unit for a resource.
 void ReconManager.addReconUnitData(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData, IReconCompleteCallback reconCompleteCallback)
          Adds and configures a reconciliation unit for a resource.
 java.util.Collection ReconManager.getAvailableReconciliationAttributes(ServiceMO service)
          Returns a collection of attribute names of the account profile, associated with the specified service or resource, that are available on the resource and can be reconciled from the resource.
 java.util.Collection ReconManager.getAvailableReconciliationAttributes(ServiceMO service)
          Returns a collection of attribute names of the account profile, associated with the specified service or resource, that are available on the resource and can be reconciled from the resource.
 java.util.Collection ReconManager.getReconUnits(ServiceMO service)
          Returns a collection of existing reconciliation units configured for a resource.
 java.util.Collection ReconManager.getReconUnits(ServiceMO service)
          Returns a collection of existing reconciliation units configured for a resource.
 boolean ReconManager.isFilterSupported(ServiceMO service)
          Returns true if underlying service supports filtered reconciliation that is, the ability to reconcile only a certain set of accounts from the resource, which match an LDAP compliant filter, specified when configuring a reconciliation unit for the resource.
 boolean ReconManager.isFilterSupported(ServiceMO service)
          Returns true if underlying service supports filtered reconciliation that is, the ability to reconcile only a certain set of accounts from the resource, which match an LDAP compliant filter, specified when configuring a reconciliation unit for the resource.
 void ReconManager.removeReconUnitData(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData)
          Removes an existing reconciliation unit configured for a resource with the same schedule information as that of the input parameter reconUnitData.
 void ReconManager.removeReconUnitData(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData)
          Removes an existing reconciliation unit configured for a resource with the same schedule information as that of the input parameter reconUnitData.
 Request ReconManager.runRecon(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData)
          Runs a reconciliation immediately using the specified reconciliation unit for a given resource.
 Request ReconManager.runRecon(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData)
          Runs a reconciliation immediately using the specified reconciliation unit for a given resource.
 Request ReconManager.runRecon(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData, IReconCompleteCallback reconCallback)
          Runs a reconciliation immediately using the specified reconciliation unit for a given resource, and a callback object which gains control after the reconciliation process has finished.
 Request ReconManager.runRecon(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData, IReconCompleteCallback reconCallback)
          Runs a reconciliation immediately using the specified reconciliation unit for a given resource, and a callback object which gains control after the reconciliation process has finished.
 void ReconManager.setReconUnits(ServiceMO service, java.util.Collection reconUnitData)
          Replaces the existing set of reconciliation units configured for a resource by a new collection of reconciliation units passed as a parameter.
 void ReconManager.setReconUnits(ServiceMO service, java.util.Collection reconUnitData)
          Replaces the existing set of reconciliation units configured for a resource by a new collection of reconciliation units passed as a parameter.

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
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