Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelCreationException Provides a a low-level application programming interface for querying elements of the data model. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the core elements of the data model. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the system specific elements of the data model. 

Uses of ModelCreationException in

Subclasses of ModelCreationException in
 class DuplicateEntryException
          DuplicateEntryException is a subclass of ModelCreationException used for errors that arise when attempting to create an entry in the data store and in case the entry already exists.

Methods in that throw ModelCreationException
 ObjectProfileEntity ObjectProfileFactory.create(DistinguishedName tenantDN, ObjectProfile profile)
          Creates an object profile in the data store.

Uses of ModelCreationException in

Methods in that throw ModelCreationException
 DirectoryObjectEntity AccountEntity.addComplianceIssue(ComplianceIssue issue)
          Changes the current compliance issues logged against the account.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.addNotificationTemplate(int templateType, NotificationTemplate template)
          Adds the template for Workflow Reminder.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.addNotificationTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Adds the template for Workflow Reminder.
 void POConfigurationEntity.addNotificationTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Adds the template for Post Office Notification.
 void OwnershipTypeConfiguration.addOwnershipType(OwnershipType newType)
          Add the ownership type in LDAP, name must be unique.
 DirectoryObjectEntity ServiceModel.addSupportingData(AttributeValues rdn, DirectoryObject directoryObject)
          Add a supporting data entry to the enrole data store.
 AdminDomainEntity AdminDomainFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, AdminDomain domain)
          Creates an admin domain in the data store with the given value object to define the admin domain's attributes.
 BusinessPartnerOrgEntity BusinessPartnerOrgFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, BusinessPartnerOrg bpo)
          Creates a business partner organization in the data store with the given value object to define the abusiness partner organization's attributes.
 BusinessUnitEntity BusinessUnitFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, BusinessUnit businessUnit)
          Creates a business unit in the data store with the given value object to define the business unit's attributes.
 DynamicRoleEntity DynamicRoleFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, DynamicRole role)
          Creates a dynamic role in the data store with the given value object to define the dynamic role's attributes.
 HostedServiceEntity HostedServiceFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, HostedService service)
          Creates a hosted service in the data store with the given value object.
 PersonEntity PersonFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, Person person)
          Creates a person in the data store with the given value object to define the person's attributes.
 RoleEntity RoleFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, Role role)
          Creates a role in the data store with the given value object to define the role's attributes.
 ServiceEntity ServiceFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, Service service)
          Creates a service in the data store with the given value object to define the service's attributes.
 OrganizationEntity OrganizationFactory.create(DistinguishedName tenantDN, Organization org)
          Creates an organization in the data store with the given value object to define the organization's attributes.
 AdminDomainEntity AdminDomainFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, AdminDomain domain)
          Creates an admin domain in the data store with the given value object to define the admin domain's attributes.
 BusinessPartnerOrgEntity BusinessPartnerOrgFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, BusinessPartnerOrg bpo)
          Creates a business partner organization in the data store with the given value object.
 BusinessUnitEntity BusinessUnitFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, BusinessUnit businessUnit)
          Creates a business unit in the data store with the given value object to define the business unit's attributes.
 DynamicRoleEntity DynamicRoleFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, DynamicRole role)
          Creates a dynamic role in the data store with the given value object to define the dynamic role's attributes.
 HostedServiceEntity HostedServiceFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, HostedService service)
          Creates a hosted service in the data store with the given value object.
 PersonEntity PersonFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, Person person)
          Creates a person in the data store with the given value object to define the person's attributes.
 RoleEntity RoleFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, Role role)
          Creates a role in the data store with the given value object to define the role's attributes.
 ServiceEntity ServiceFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, Service service)
          Creates a service in the data store with the given value object to define the service's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(PersonEntity owner, ServiceEntity service, Account account)
          Creates an account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(PersonEntity owner, ServiceEntity service, Account account, ObjectProfile profile)
          Creates an account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Account account)
          Creates an orphan account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Account account, ObjectProfile profile)
          Creates an orphan account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group, AttributeValues rdn)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group, AttributeValues rdn, ObjectProfile groupProfile)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group's attributes.
 void MailTemplateConfigurationEntity.createMailTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Adds the mail template.

Uses of ModelCreationException in

Methods in that throw ModelCreationException
 SystemRoleEntity SystemRoleFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, SystemRole role)
          Creates a system role in the data store with the given value object to define the role's attributes.
 SystemUserEntity SystemUserFactory.create(DistinguishedName tenantDN, Person owner, Service service, SystemUser sysUser)
          Creates a system user in the data store with the given value object to define the SystemUser's attributes.
 SystemRoleEntity SystemRoleFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, SystemRole role)
          Creates a system role in the data store with the given value object to define the role's attributes.

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
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