Uses of Class

Packages that use RoleAssignmentObject Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for identity management. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the core elements of the data model. 

Uses of RoleAssignmentObject in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type RoleAssignmentObject
 java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> PersonMO.getRoleAssignmentData()
          This method returns all of the Role Assignment Objects for a person.
 java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> PersonMO.getRoleAssignmentData()
          This method returns all of the Role Assignment Objects for a person.
 java.util.Map<DistinguishedName,RoleAssignmentObject> PersonMO.getRoleAssignmentData(RoleMO assignedRole)
          This method returns a map of defined role and RoleAssignmentObject for the specified assigned role.
 java.util.Map<DistinguishedName,RoleAssignmentObject> PersonMO.getRoleAssignmentData(RoleMO assignedRole)
          This method returns a map of defined role and RoleAssignmentObject for the specified assigned role.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type RoleAssignmentObject
 Request RoleMO.addMember(PersonMO member, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API adds a new member to the specified role.
 Request RoleMO.addMember(PersonMO member, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API adds a new member to the specified role.
 Request PersonManager.createPerson(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Person subject, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a person in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request PersonManager.createPerson(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Person subject, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a person in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request PersonMO.update(Person p, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request PersonMO.update(Person p, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request PersonMO.updateRoleAssignmentData(java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> attributeValues, java.util.Date scheduleTime)
          This method updates a person with the role assignment attribute value changes defined in the set of RoleAssignmentObjects.
 Request PersonMO.updateRoleAssignmentData(java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> attributeValues, java.util.Date scheduleTime)
          This method updates a person with the role assignment attribute value changes defined in the set of RoleAssignmentObjects.

Uses of RoleAssignmentObject in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type RoleAssignmentObject
 java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> PersonEntity.getRoleAssignmentData()
          Retrieves all role assignment data for the person.
 java.util.Map<DistinguishedName,RoleAssignmentObject> PersonEntity.getRoleAssignmentData(RoleEntity assignedRole)
          Retrieves all role assignment data of the person by a given assigned role.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type RoleAssignmentObject
 void PersonEntity.updateRoleAssignmentData(java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData)
          Changes the role assignment data of the person.

Constructors in with parameters of type RoleAssignmentObject
RoleAssignmentObject(RoleAssignmentObject raObject)
          Copy Constructor Reference copy is used for Java object except for define role DN and assign role DN.

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
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