Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceEntity Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the core elements of the data model. Provides an application programming interface for policy analysis. Provides classes used for resolving conflicts between provisioning policies. 

Uses of ServiceEntity in

Subclasses of ServiceEntity in
 class HostedServiceEntity
          Class that represents a hosted service in the data model.

Methods in that return ServiceEntity
 ServiceEntity ServiceFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, Service service)
          Creates a service in the data store with the given value object to define the service's attributes.
static ServiceEntity ServiceEntity.create(ObjectProfile profile, Service service)
          Create a ServiceEntity object for this Service.
 ServiceEntity IServiceEntity.create(ObjectProfile profile, Service service)
          Create a ServiceEntity object for this Service.
 ServiceEntity ServiceFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, Service service)
          Creates a service in the data store with the given value object to define the service's attributes.
static ServiceEntity ServiceEntity.create(Service serviceObject)
          Create a ServiceEntity object for this Service.
 ServiceEntity IServiceEntity.create(Service serviceObject)
          Create a ServiceEntity object for this Service.
 ServiceEntity HostedServiceEntity.getConcreteService()
          Returns the concrete service of the hosted service, this entity will proxy (i.e., NTDomain, Solaris, etc.).
 ServiceEntity GroupEntity.getService()
          Returns the Tivoli Identity Manager managed identity service to which the group applies.
 ServiceEntity AccountEntity.getService()
          Returns a service that hosts the account.
 ServiceEntity ServiceSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the service from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 ServiceEntity ServiceSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the service for a specific URI.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ServiceEntity
 java.util.Collection<ServiceEntity> GroupService.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship and returns a service entity that represents the service of the subject directory object.
 java.util.Collection<ServiceEntity> ServiceSearch.searchByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN)
          Returns all services for a given owner distinguished name.

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceEntity
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(PersonEntity owner, ServiceEntity service, Account account)
          Creates an account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(PersonEntity owner, ServiceEntity service, Account account, ObjectProfile profile)
          Creates an account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Account account)
          Creates an orphan account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Account account, ObjectProfile profile)
          Creates an orphan account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group, AttributeValues rdn)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group, AttributeValues rdn, ObjectProfile groupProfile)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group's attributes.

Constructors in with parameters of type ServiceEntity
AccountTable(ServiceEntity service)
          Constructs the AccountTable with a service as its context.
ScalableAccountTable(ServiceEntity service)
          Constructs the AccountTable with a service as its context.
ScalableAccountTable(ServiceEntity service, boolean isSearchTenant)
          Constructs the AccountTable with a service as its context.

Uses of ServiceEntity in

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceEntity
static PPAEntitlement ProvisioningPolicyAnalysis.getEntitlement(PersonEntity person, ServiceEntity service)
          Returns the entitlement for the specified person and service instance.
static java.util.Collection<PPAProvisioningParameter> ProvisioningPolicyAnalysis.getProvisioningParameters(PersonEntity person, ServiceEntity service, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> parameters)
          Returns the provisioning parameters that apply to the specified person and service instance.

Uses of ServiceEntity in

Methods in with parameters of type ServiceEntity
 void Multivalued.setContext(java.util.Map attributeValues, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
          Method will set context information which may be helpful in determining custom joining logic.
 void Boolean.setContext(java.util.Map attributeValues, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
          Method will set context inforamtion which may be helpful in determining custom joining logic.
 void JoinInterface.setContext(java.util.Map attributeValues, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
          Method will set context information which may be helpful in determining custom joining logic.
 void Priority.setContext(java.util.Map attributeValues, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
          Method will set context inforamtion which may be helpful in determining custom joining logic.
 void PrecedenceSequence.setContext(java.util.Map attributeValues, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
          Method will set context inforamtion which may be helpful in determining custom joining logic.
 void Textual.setContext(java.util.Map attributeValues, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
          Method will set context inforamtion which may be helpful in determining custom joining logic.
 void Numeric.setContext(java.util.Map attributeValues, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
          Method will set context inforamtion which may be helpful in determining custom joining logic.
 void Bitwise.setContext(java.util.Map attributeValues, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
          Method will set context inforamtion which may be helpful in determining custom joining logic.

Constructors in with parameters of type ServiceEntity
JoinDirector(java.util.Collection policyEntitlementPairs, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person)
JoinDirector(java.util.Collection policyEntitlementPairs, ServiceEntity service, PersonEntity person, java.util.Map accountAttributes)

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
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