Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoteServicesException Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for reconciliation management. Provides the exceptions that Remote Services will throw. Provides the interfaces and classes necessary to write a custom service provider that remote services will use. 

Uses of RemoteServicesException in

Methods in that throw RemoteServicesException
 void ReconManager.addReconUnitData(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData, IReconCompleteCallback reconCompleteCallback)
          Adds and configures a reconciliation unit for a resource.
 void ReconManager.addReconUnitData(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData, IReconCompleteCallback reconCompleteCallback)
          Adds and configures a reconciliation unit for a resource.
 java.util.Collection ReconManager.getReconUnits(ServiceMO service)
          Returns a collection of existing reconciliation units configured for a resource.
 java.util.Collection ReconManager.getReconUnits(ServiceMO service)
          Returns a collection of existing reconciliation units configured for a resource.
 void ReconManager.removeReconUnitData(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData)
          Removes an existing reconciliation unit configured for a resource with the same schedule information as that of the input parameter reconUnitData.
 void ReconManager.removeReconUnitData(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData)
          Removes an existing reconciliation unit configured for a resource with the same schedule information as that of the input parameter reconUnitData.
 Request ReconManager.runManualServiceRecon(DistinguishedName serviceDN, boolean supportingDataOnlyRecon, java.lang.String reconAccountData)
          Runs a full reconciliation immediately for accounts on a manual service or a service with connection mode set to manual.
 Request ReconManager.runManualServiceRecon(DistinguishedName serviceDN, boolean supportingDataOnlyRecon, java.lang.String reconAccountData)
          Runs a full reconciliation immediately for accounts on a manual service or a service with connection mode set to manual.
 Request ReconManager.runRecon(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData)
          Runs a reconciliation immediately using the specified reconciliation unit for a given resource.
 Request ReconManager.runRecon(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData)
          Runs a reconciliation immediately using the specified reconciliation unit for a given resource.
 Request ReconManager.runRecon(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData, IReconCompleteCallback reconCallback)
          Runs a reconciliation immediately using the specified reconciliation unit for a given resource, and a callback object which gains control after the reconciliation process has finished.
 Request ReconManager.runRecon(ServiceMO service, ReconUnitData reconUnitData, IReconCompleteCallback reconCallback)
          Runs a reconciliation immediately using the specified reconciliation unit for a given resource, and a callback object which gains control after the reconciliation process has finished.
 void ReconManager.setReconUnits(ServiceMO service, java.util.Collection reconUnitData)
          Replaces the existing set of reconciliation units configured for a resource by a new collection of reconciliation units passed as a parameter.
 void ReconManager.setReconUnits(ServiceMO service, java.util.Collection reconUnitData)
          Replaces the existing set of reconciliation units configured for a resource by a new collection of reconciliation units passed as a parameter.

Uses of RemoteServicesException in

Subclasses of RemoteServicesException in
 class AccountAlreadyExistsException
          Exception thrown by remote services account add methods when the specified account already exists.
 class MalformedCSVEntryException
          Exception thrown by CSV file provider when an input record is invalid.
 class MalformedEntryException
          Exception thrown by service provider when an input entry is invalid.
 class MultipleEntriesFoundException
          Exception indicating that a situation occurred in a search where only one entry was expected to be found but the search in fact found multiple results.
 class MultiplePersonsFoundException
          Exception thrown by remote services person find methods when more than one match is found for a specified person name.
 class PersonAlreadyExistsException
          Exception thrown by remote services person add methods when the specified person already exists.
 class PersonFindException
          Exception thrown by remote services identity feed code when an Exception occurs while searching for a matching entry in the ITIM LDAP store.

Uses of RemoteServicesException in

Subclasses of RemoteServicesException in
 class ProviderConfigurationException
          Indicates that there was a problem with the service provider configuration.

Methods in that throw RemoteServicesException
 void SearchResults.close()
          Closes the connection with the remote resource.
 Service UnsolicitedEventProcessor.findService(java.lang.String filter)
          Gets the service for this event processor matching a given filter.
 java.util.Collection SchemaLookup.getAttributeSchema(java.util.Collection attributeNames)
          Get the schema for a set of attributes.
 java.util.Collection SchemaLookup.getClassSchema(java.util.Collection classNames)
          Get the schema for a set of objectclasses.
 Notifier InitialPlatformContext.getNotifier()
 Notifier PlatformContext.getNotifier()
          Retrieves a new Notifier for notifying the platform or request responses.
 UnsolicitedEventProcessor InitialPlatformContext.getUnsolicitedEventProcessor()
 UnsolicitedEventProcessor PlatformContext.getUnsolicitedEventProcessor()
          Retrieves a new UnsolicitedEventProcessor for processing unsolicited notification requests.
 boolean SearchResults.hasNext()
          True if there is another element to be iterated over
 DirectoryObject UnsolicitedEventProcessor.lookup(Service service, java.lang.String filter)
          Lookup an object in the data store.
          The next value in the sequence
 void Notifier.notifyOfAsynchronousResponse(AsynchronousResponse response)
          Delivers an asynchronous response to the provisioning platform.
 boolean ServiceProvider.test()
          Test a connection to the remote resource
 RequestStatus ServiceProviderV2.test2()
          Test a connection to the remote resource

Constructors in that throw RemoteServicesException
          Deprecated. Use the contructor with a Subject parameter.
InitialPlatformContext(java.lang.String platformClassName)
          Deprecated. Use the contructor with a Subject parameter.
InitialPlatformContext( subject)
          Constructs the InitialPlatformContext by reading the implementation class from the file.
InitialPlatformContext( subject, java.lang.String platformClassName)
          Constructs the InitialPlatformContext with the supplied PlatformContext implementation class.

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
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