Uses of Class

Packages that use AuthorizationException Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface to create, modify, and delete ACIs and ACLs. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for identity management. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for LifeCycle management. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for Shared Access Module. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for Policy management. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for Account, Service, and Password management. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for System role and System user management. Extends the package to provide a remotable application programming interface for Workflow Process and Activity management. 

Uses of AuthorizationException in

Methods in that throw AuthorizationException
 void AccessControlListManager.addAccessRight(AccessRight aRight)
          Adds an AccessRight to the ACL currently associated with a container, namely the container identified by the containerDN used to create this AccessControlListManager.
 void AccessControlListManager.addAuthorizationOwner(AuthorizationOwner authOwner)
          Adds an AuthorizationOwner to the container identified by the containerDN used to create this AccessControlListManager.
 void AccessControlListManager.deleteAccessRight(AccessRight accessRight)
          Deletes an AccessRight from the container identified by the containerDN used to create this AccessControlListManager.
 void AccessControlListManager.deleteAuthorizationOwner(AuthorizationOwner authOwner)
          Removes an AuthorizationOwner from the container identified by the containerDN used to create this AccessControlListManager.
 java.util.Collection AccessControlListManager.listAccessRights()
          Returns the full ACL on the container identified by the containerDN used to create this AccessControlListManager.
 java.util.Collection AccessControlListManager.listAuthorizationOwners()
          Returns a Collection of AuthorizationOwner associated with the container identified by the containerDN used to create this AccessControlListManager.
 void AccessControlListManager.modifyAccessRight(java.lang.String name, AccessRight newAccessRight)
          Modifies (replaces) an AccessRight on the container identified by the containerDN used to create this AccessControlListManager.

Uses of AuthorizationException in

Methods in that throw AuthorizationException
 Request RoleMO.addMember(PersonMO member, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Adds a new member to the specified role.
 Request RoleMO.addMember(PersonMO member, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Adds a new member to the specified role.
 Request RoleMO.addMember(PersonMO member, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API adds a new member to the specified role.
 Request RoleMO.addMember(PersonMO member, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API adds a new member to the specified role.
 SelfRequest SelfPasswordManager.changeExpiredPassword(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
          Changes the user's password without requiring an authenticated subject.
 SelfRequest SelfPasswordManager.changeExpiredPassword(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
          Changes the user's password without requiring an authenticated subject.
 OrganizationalContainerMO ContainerManager.createContainer(OrganizationalContainerMO container, OrganizationalContainer object)
          Creates a container in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given parent container.
 OrganizationalContainerMO ContainerManager.createContainer(OrganizationalContainerMO container, OrganizationalContainer object)
          Creates a container in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given parent container.
 Request PersonManager.createPerson(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Person subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a person in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request PersonManager.createPerson(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Person subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a person in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request PersonManager.createPerson(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Person subject, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a person in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request PersonManager.createPerson(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Person subject, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a person in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 DistinguishedName RoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Role subject)
          Deprecated. This method creates only static role. This method will be removed in the next major release. Use RoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO, Role, Date) instead.
 DistinguishedName RoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Role subject)
          Deprecated. This method creates only static role. This method will be removed in the next major release. Use RoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO, Role, Date) instead.
 Request RoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Role subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a role in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request RoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Role subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a role in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request RoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Role subject, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentAttribute> assignmentAttributes, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a role in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes in the given container.
 Request RoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Role subject, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentAttribute> assignmentAttributes, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates a role in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes in the given container.
 java.util.Collection OrganizationalContainerMO.getChildren(java.lang.Class childClass)
          Returns the children of the container of the specified type, such as person, service, etc.
 java.util.Collection OrganizationalContainerMO.getChildren(java.lang.Class childClass)
          Returns the children of the container of the specified type, such as person, service, etc.
 OrganizationalContainerMO PersonMO.getContainer()
          Returns the current parent container in the tree.
 OrganizationalContainerMO PersonMO.getContainer()
          Returns the current parent container in the tree.
 java.util.Collection PersonMO.getRoles()
          Returns the person's roles.
 java.util.Collection PersonMO.getRoles()
          Returns the person's roles.
 PersonMO PersonMO.getSponsor()
          Returns the person's sponsor (if any).
 PersonMO PersonMO.getSponsor()
          Returns the person's sponsor (if any).
 PersonMO OrganizationalContainerMO.getSupervisor()
          Returns the container's supervisor (if any) and NULL of not found.
 PersonMO PersonMO.getSupervisor()
          Returns the person's supervisor (if any).
 PersonMO PersonMO.getSupervisor()
          Returns the person's supervisor (if any).
 PersonMO OrganizationalContainerMO.getSupervisor()
          Returns the container's supervisor (if any) and NULL of not found.
 void OrganizationalContainerMO.remove()
          Removes the managed object from the provisioning platform.
 void OrganizationalContainerMO.remove()
          Removes the managed object from the provisioning platform.
 Request PersonManager.remove(java.util.Collection collection, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API removes the person objects and associated individual accounts from the provisioning platform.
 Request PersonManager.remove(java.util.Collection collection, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API removes the person objects and associated individual accounts from the provisioning platform.
 Request PersonMO.remove(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API removes the person objects and associated individual accounts from the provisioning platform.
 Request RoleMO.remove(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes the managed object from the provisioning platform.
 Request RoleMO.remove(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes the managed object from the provisioning platform.
 Request PersonMO.remove(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API removes the person objects and associated individual accounts from the provisioning platform.
 Request RoleMO.removeMember(PersonMO member, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes a member from the role.
 Request RoleMO.removeMember(PersonMO member, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes a member from the role.
 SelfRequest SelfPasswordManager.resetPassword( subject)
          Deprecated. As of ISIM 6.0, replaced by ForgotPasswordManager.resetPassword(String, java.util.Map)
 SelfRequest SelfPasswordManager.resetPassword( subject)
          Deprecated. As of ISIM 6.0, replaced by ForgotPasswordManager.resetPassword(String, java.util.Map)
 Request PersonManager.restore(java.util.Collection collection, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API restores users and based on the property in also restores individual accounts of the users.
 Request PersonManager.restore(java.util.Collection collection, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API restores users and based on the property in also restores individual accounts of the users.
 Request PersonMO.restore(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API restores users and based on the property in also restores individual accounts of the users.
 Request PersonMO.restore(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API restores users and based on the property in also restores individual accounts of the users.
 void RoleMO.setAssignmentAttributes(java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentAttribute> assignmentAttributes)
          Sets assignment attributes to this role.
 void RoleMO.setAssignmentAttributes(java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentAttribute> assignmentAttributes)
          Sets assignment attributes to this role.
 Request PersonManager.suspend(java.util.Collection collection, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API suspends users and based on the property in also suspends individual accounts of the users.
 Request PersonManager.suspend(java.util.Collection collection, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API suspends users and based on the property in also suspends individual accounts of the users.
 Request PersonMO.suspend(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API restores users and based on the property in also restores individual accounts of the users.
 Request PersonMO.suspend(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This API restores users and based on the property in also restores individual accounts of the users.
 Request PersonMO.transfer(OrganizationalContainerMO newContainer, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Transfers (moves) the person to another container.
 Request PersonMO.transfer(OrganizationalContainerMO newContainer, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Transfers (moves) the person to another container.
 Request PersonManager.unManage(java.util.Collection collection, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes person objects only from the provisioning platform.
 Request PersonManager.unManage(java.util.Collection collection, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes person objects only from the provisioning platform.
 Request PersonMO.unManage(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes the person object ONLY from the provisioning platform.
 Request PersonMO.unManage(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes the person object ONLY from the provisioning platform.
 void OrganizationalContainerMO.update(OrganizationalContainer c)
          Updates the managed object.
 void OrganizationalContainerMO.update(OrganizationalContainer c)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request PersonMO.update(Person p, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request PersonMO.update(Person p, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request PersonMO.update(Person p, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request PersonMO.update(Person p, java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request RoleMO.update(Role r, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request RoleMO.update(Role r, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request RoleMO.updateRoleHierarchy(java.util.List<RoleMO> rolesAdded, java.util.List<RoleMO> rolesDeleted, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the role hierarchy of the managed object using asynchronous Identity Manager workflow.
 Request RoleMO.updateRoleHierarchy(java.util.List<RoleMO> rolesAdded, java.util.List<RoleMO> rolesDeleted, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the role hierarchy of the managed object using asynchronous Identity Manager workflow.

Uses of AuthorizationException in

Methods in that throw AuthorizationException
 Request LifecycleManager.executeGlobalOperation(java.lang.String operationName, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Executes a global operation in the provisioning platform
 Request LifecycleManager.executeObjectOperation(DirectoryObject managedObject, java.lang.String operationName, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Executes an operation on a specific object in the provisioning platform
 Request LifecycleManager.executeStaticOperation(java.lang.String categoryName, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String operationName, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Executes a static operation on a specific type of object in the provisioning platform.

Uses of AuthorizationException in

Methods in that throw AuthorizationException
 Request CredentialManager.addCredential(AccountMO account, Credential credential, boolean resetPassword, java.util.Date scheduledTime, java.lang.String justification)
          This API adds an account's credential to the credential vault.
 Request CredentialManager.addCredential(AccountMO account, Credential credential, byte[] password, java.util.Date scheduledTime, java.lang.String justification)
          The API adds an account's credential to the credential vault.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.addEntitlement(SAEntitlement entitlement)
          Add a new entitlement to the policy.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.addMembership(SAMembership membership)
          Add a new membership to the policy. CredentialLeaseManager.checkout(CredentialComponent sharedAccess, CredentialLease lease)
          This API checks out a credential from the credential vault for shared access. CredentialLeaseManager.checkoutWithoutWorkflow(CredentialComponent sharedAccess, CredentialLease lease)
          This API synchronously checks out a credential from the credential vault for shared access.
 SharedAccessPolicyMO SharedAccessPolicyManager.createPolicy(OrganizationalContainerMO container, SharedAccessPolicy policy)
          Creates a shared access policy with the no memberships and no entitlements in an organizational container.
 SharedAccessPolicyMO SharedAccessPolicyManager.createPolicy(OrganizationalContainerMO container, SharedAccessPolicy policy, java.util.Collection<SAMembership> memberships, java.util.Collection<SAEntitlement> entitlements)
          Creates a shared access policy with the given memberships and entitlements in an organizational container.
 CredentialPoolMO CredentialPoolManager.createPool(OrganizationalContainerMO orgContainer, ServiceMO service, CredentialPool credentialPool)
          Creates a credential pool for the given service in an organizational container.
 CredentialPoolMO CredentialPoolManager.createPool(ServiceMO service, CredentialPool credentialPool)
          Creates a credential pool for the given service.
 OrganizationalContainerMO CredentialPoolMO.getContainer()
          Returns the current parent container in the tree.
 CredentialLeaseMO CredentialMO.getCredentialLease()
          This API returns the credential lease held by the authenticated user for this credential.
 java.util.Collection<SAEntitlement> SharedAccessPolicyMO.getEntitlements()
          This method returns a list of entitlement objects that contains the entitlement information associated with the policy.
 java.util.Collection<SAMembership> SharedAccessPolicyMO.getMemberships()
          This method returns a list of membership objects that contain the membership information associated with the policy.
 java.lang.String CredentialMO.getPassword()
          This method gets the password for the credential.
 java.util.Collection<HistoricalPassword> CredentialMO.getPasswordHistory()
          This API gets the password history for the credential.
 ServiceMO CredentialPoolMO.getService()
          Returns the service of the credential pool.
 void CredentialMO.registerPassword(java.lang.String password)
          This API registers the password for the credential.
 void CredentialMO.remove()
          This API removes the credential from the vault.
 void CredentialPoolMO.remove()
          This API removes the credential pool.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.remove()
          This method removes the shared access policy object.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.removeEntitlement(SAEntitlement entitlement)
          Remove an entitlement from the policy.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.removeMembership(SAMembership membership)
          Remove a membership from the policy.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.setEntitlements(java.util.Collection<SAEntitlement> entitlements)
          Set the entitlements to the policy.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.setMemberships(java.util.Collection<SAMembership> memberships)
          Set the memberships to the policy.
 void CredentialMO.update(Credential credential)
          This API updates the credential with the given credential value object.
 void CredentialPoolMO.update(CredentialPool credentialPool)
          This API updates the credential pool with the given CredentialPool value object.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.update(SharedAccessPolicy policy)
          Updates the policy with the given SharedAccessPolicy value object.
 void SharedAccessPolicyMO.update(SharedAccessPolicy policy, java.util.Collection<SAMembership> memberships, java.util.Collection<SAEntitlement> entitlements)
          Updates the policy with the given SharedAccessPolicy value object, the memberships, and the entitlements.

Uses of AuthorizationException in

Methods in that throw AuthorizationException
 java.lang.Boolean SeparationOfDutyPolicyManager.checkAccess(OrganizationalContainerMO container, java.lang.String operation)
          Check to see if the given signed in user can perform a given change.
 Request ProvisioningPolicyManager.createPolicy(OrganizationalContainerMO container, ProvisioningPolicy subject, java.util.Date scheduleTime)
          Creates a provisioning policy in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 void RecertificationPolicyManager.createPolicy(OrganizationalContainerMO container, RecertificationPolicy policy)
          Creates a recertification policy in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request SeparationOfDutyPolicyManager.createPolicy(OrganizationalContainerMO container, SeparationOfDutyPolicy policy, java.util.Date scheduleTime)
          Creates a separation of duty policy in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 Request ProvisioningPolicyManager.deletePolicy(OrganizationalContainerMO container, DistinguishedName subjectDN, java.util.Date scheduleTime)
          Deletes a provisioning policy in the provisioning platform
 void RecertificationPolicyMO.execute()
          Runs or executes the recertification policy manually.
 OrganizationalContainerMO ProvisioningPolicyMO.getContainer()
          Returns the current parent container of this policy.
 OrganizationalContainerMO RecertificationPolicyMO.getContainer()
          Returns the current parent container of this policy.
 OrganizationalContainerMO SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.getContainer()
          Returns the current parent container of this policy.
 java.util.Collection<IPolicyRuleStatistics> SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.getItemizedStatisticsByRule()
          For this policy, categorize violation and exemption counts into their respective rules.
 OrganizationalContainerMO ProvisioningPolicyMO.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization this policy is contained within.
 OrganizationalContainerMO RecertificationPolicyMO.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization that the policy is contained within.
 OrganizationalContainerMO SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization this policy is contained within.
 RecertificationPolicyMO RecertificationPolicyManager.getPolicy(DistinguishedName policyDn)
          Returns the recertification policy matching the given distinguished name.
 RecertificationPolicyMO RecertificationPolicyManager.getPolicyByAccessTarget(DistinguishedName accessTargetDn)
          Returns the recertification policy that has target as access and distinguished name of the access matches the given DN.
 RecertificationPolicyMO RecertificationPolicyManager.getPolicyByServiceTarget(DistinguishedName serviceTargetDn)
          Returns the recertification policy that has a target as service and the distinguished name of the service matches the specified distinguished name.
 IPolicyStatistics SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.getPolicyStatistics()
          For this policy, determine how many violations and exemptions exist.
 java.util.Collection<IRuleExemption> SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.getRuleExemptions(java.lang.String ruleName)
          Retrieve the exemptions for the given rule in this separation of duty policy.
 java.util.Collection<IRuleViolation> SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.getRuleViolations(java.lang.String ruleName)
          Retrieve the violations for the given rule in this separation of duty policy.
 boolean SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.isDeletable()
          Returns true if this object can be deleted/removed.
 boolean SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.isExemptionAdminable()
          Returns true if the logged in user has permission to update exemption status for this policy (exemptionAdmin permission).
 boolean SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.isReconcileable()
          Returns true if the logged in user has permission to reconcile exemption data for this policy (reconcile permission).
 boolean SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.isUpdatable()
          Returns true if this object can be modified/updated.
 Request ProvisioningPolicyManager.modifyPolicy(OrganizationalContainerMO container, ProvisioningPolicy subject, java.util.Date scheduleTime)
          Modifies a provisioning policy in the provisioning platform within the given container.
 Request SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.reconcile(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Starts a separation of duty policy reconciliation which will record violation results into the database.
 void RecertificationPolicyMO.remove()
          Removes the recertification policy object from the provisioning platform.
 Request SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.remove(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes the policy object and associated managed objects from the provisioning platform.
 void RecertificationPolicyMO.update(RecertificationPolicy newPolicy)
          Updates the recertification policy object.
 Request SeparationOfDutyPolicyMO.update(SeparationOfDutyPolicy p, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.

Uses of AuthorizationException in

Methods in that throw AuthorizationException
 void AccountManager.adopt(DistinguishedName ownerDN, java.util.Collection accounts)
          Adopts multiple accounts, or assigns the same owner (given) to all the accounts submitted.
 void AccountManager.adopt(DistinguishedName ownerDN, java.util.Collection accounts)
          Adopts multiple accounts, or assigns the same owner (given) to all the accounts submitted.
 void AccountManager.adopt(DistinguishedName ownerDN, java.lang.String ownershipType, java.util.Collection accounts)
          Adopts multiple accounts, or assigns the same owner (given) to all the accounts submitted.
 void AccountManager.adopt(DistinguishedName ownerDN, java.lang.String ownershipType, java.util.Collection accounts)
          Adopts multiple accounts, or assigns the same owner (given) to all the accounts submitted.
 void AccountMO.adopt(PersonMO owner)
          Adopts the account, or changes the account owner to the given person (identity).
 void AccountMO.adopt(PersonMO owner)
          Adopts the account, or changes the account owner to the given person (identity).
 void AccountMO.adopt(PersonMO owner, java.lang.String ownershipType)
          Adopts an account, or changes the account owner to the given person (identity) with the given ownership type.
 void AccountMO.adopt(PersonMO owner, java.lang.String ownershipType)
          Adopts an account, or changes the account owner to the given person (identity) with the given ownership type.
 BulkRequest PasswordManager.changePassword(java.util.Collection accounts, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Changes the password of the specified accounts with a system generated password.
 BulkRequest PasswordManager.changePassword(java.util.Collection accounts, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Changes the password of the specified accounts with a system generated password.
 Request AccountMO.changePassword(java.lang.String password)
          Changes the password of the account.
 Request AccountMO.changePassword(java.lang.String password)
          Changes the password of the account.
 Compliance AccountManager.checkAccountCompliance(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, AttributeValues params)
          Checks the account compliance on the given service with the given parameters for the given owner.
 Compliance AccountManager.checkAccountCompliance(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, AttributeValues params)
          Checks the account compliance on the given service with the given parameters for the given owner.
 Compliance AccountManager.checkAccountCompliance(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType, AttributeValues params)
          This method checks the account compliance on the service with the parameters for the owner.
 Compliance AccountManager.checkAccountCompliance(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType, AttributeValues params)
          This method checks the account compliance on the service with the parameters for the owner.
 void GroupMO.clearAccess()
          Clears the access information of the group.
 void GroupMO.clearAccess()
          Clears the access information of the group.
 java.util.List<Request> AccessManager.createAccess(java.util.List<NewUserAccess> lstNewUserAccesses, AccessEntitlement userAccess, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates an access in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the mentioned users.
 java.util.List<Request> AccessManager.createAccess(java.util.List<NewUserAccess> lstNewUserAccesses, AccessEntitlement userAccess, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates an access in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the mentioned users.
 Request AccountManager.createAccount(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, Account subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates an account in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the given person.
 Request AccountManager.createAccount(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, Account subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Creates an account in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the given person.
 Request AccountManager.createAccount(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType, Account subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This method creates an account in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the given person.
 Request AccountManager.createAccount(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType, Account subject, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          This method creates an account in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes for the given person.
 GroupMO GroupManager.createGroup(ServiceMO serviceMO, Group group)
          Creates a group on a service.
 GroupMO GroupManager.createGroup(ServiceMO serviceMO, Group group)
          Creates a group on a service.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject, ManualWorkOrder manualWorkOrder)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject, ManualWorkOrder manualWorkOrder)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject, ServiceTestResult result)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 ServiceMO ServiceManager.createService(OrganizationalContainerMO container, Service subject, ServiceTestResult result)
          Creates a service in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 java.lang.String PasswordManager.generatePassword(java.util.Collection accounts)
          Generates a password that can be used to synchronize the passwords of the specified accounts.
 java.lang.String PasswordManager.generatePassword(java.util.Collection accounts)
          Generates a password that can be used to synchronize the passwords of the specified accounts.
 java.lang.String PasswordManager.generatePasswordForRestore(java.util.Collection accounts)
          Generates a password that can be used to synchronize the passwords of the specified accounts.
 java.lang.String PasswordManager.generatePasswordForRestore(java.util.Collection accounts)
          Generates a password that can be used to synchronize the passwords of the specified accounts.
 java.lang.String PasswordManager.generateSyncPassword(PersonMO personMO)
          Generates a password that can be used to synchronize the password for all of the accounts the person owns.
 java.lang.String PasswordManager.generateSyncPassword(PersonMO personMO)
          Generates a password that can be used to synchronize the password for all of the accounts the person owns.
 AttributeValues AccountManager.getAccountParameters(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service)
          Returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's individual account on the given service.
 AttributeValues AccountManager.getAccountParameters(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service)
          Returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's individual account on the given service.
 AttributeValues AccountManager.getAccountParameters(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType)
          Returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's account of the specified ownership type on the given service.
 AttributeValues AccountManager.getAccountParameters(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, java.lang.String ownershipType)
          Returns the auto-generated parameters used to define the potential owner's account of the specified ownership type on the given service.
 void AccessManager.getAuthorizedAccesses(OrganizationalContainerMO container, PersonMO person, accessType, java.lang.String accessInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale, boolean checkAddAccess)
          Returns authorized access for a user based on the access information provided.
 void AccessManager.getAuthorizedAccesses(OrganizationalContainerMO container, PersonMO person, accessType, java.lang.String accessInfo, SearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale, boolean checkAddAccess)
          Returns authorized access for a user based on the access information provided.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAuthorizedServices(PersonMO subject, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the services the given person is authorized to have access to.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAuthorizedServices(PersonMO subject, java.util.Locale locale)
          Returns the services the given person is authorized to have access to.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAuthorizedServices(PersonMO subject, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String type)
          Returns the services the given person is authorized to have access to.
 java.util.Collection AccountManager.getAuthorizedServices(PersonMO subject, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String type)
          Returns the services the given person is authorized to have access to.
 OrganizationalContainerMO ServiceMO.getContainer()
          Returns the current parent container in the tree.
 OrganizationalContainerMO ServiceMO.getContainer()
          Returns the current parent container in the tree.
 ServiceMO ServiceMO.getHost()
          Returns the host, or concrete service, this service proxies.
 ServiceMO ServiceMO.getHost()
          Returns the host, or concrete service, this service proxies.
 java.util.Collection ServiceMO.getOrphanedAccounts()
          Returns all of the orphaned accounts for this service.
 java.util.Collection ServiceMO.getOrphanedAccounts()
          Returns all of the orphaned accounts for this service.
 java.util.Collection ServiceMO.getOwnedAccounts()
          Returns all the owned accounts that are hosted by this service.
 java.util.Collection ServiceMO.getOwnedAccounts()
          Returns all the owned accounts that are hosted by this service.
 PersonMO AccountMO.getOwner()
          Returns the owner of the account (if any).
 PersonMO ServiceMO.getOwner()
          Deprecated. since 5.0. Please use getOwners().
 PersonMO ServiceMO.getOwner()
          Deprecated. since 5.0. Please use getOwners().
 PersonMO AccountMO.getOwner()
          Returns the owner of the account (if any).
 java.util.Collection<PersonMO> ServiceMO.getOwners()
          Returns the service owner(s) (if any).
 java.util.Collection<PersonMO> ServiceMO.getOwners()
          Returns the service owner(s) (if any).
 java.util.Collection ServiceMO.getPrerequisites()
          Returns the prerequisites of the service.
 java.util.Collection ServiceMO.getPrerequisites()
          Returns the prerequisites of the service.
 PasswordRulesInfo PasswordManager.getRules(java.util.Collection accounts)
          Returns the combined password rules for the given accounts.
 PasswordRulesInfo PasswordManager.getRules(java.util.Collection accounts)
          Returns the combined password rules for the given accounts.
 ServiceMO AccountMO.getService()
          Returns the service that hosts this account.
 ServiceMO AccountMO.getService()
          Returns the service that hosts this account.
 ServiceStatistics ServiceMO.getStatistics()
          Returns statistical information about the service currently known by the server.
 ServiceStatistics ServiceMO.getStatistics()
          Returns statistical information about the service currently known by the server.
 ServiceStatusDetail ServiceMO.getStatusDetail()
          Returns detailed status information about the service.
 ServiceStatusDetail ServiceMO.getStatusDetail()
          Returns detailed status information about the service.
 boolean AccountManager.isAccountCompliant(AccountMO subject, java.util.Collection errors)
          Deprecated. Please use checkAccountCompliance method.
 boolean AccountManager.isAccountCompliant(AccountMO subject, java.util.Collection errors)
          Deprecated. Please use checkAccountCompliance method.
 boolean AccountManager.isAccountCompliant(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, AttributeValues params, java.util.Collection errors)
          Deprecated. Please use checkAccountCompliance method.
 boolean AccountManager.isAccountCompliant(PersonMO owner, ServiceMO service, AttributeValues params, java.util.Collection errors)
          Deprecated. Please use checkAccountCompliance method.
 boolean ServiceMO.isCircularDependent(Service serv)
          Checks whether this managed object (ServiceMO) is a prerequisite of a service (that is passesed as a parameter) or the prerequisite of service's prerequisite.
 boolean ServiceMO.isCircularDependent(Service serv)
          Checks whether this managed object (ServiceMO) is a prerequisite of a service (that is passesed as a parameter) or the prerequisite of service's prerequisite.
 boolean ServiceMO.isHosted()
          Returns whether this service is a "hosted" service.
 boolean ServiceMO.isHosted()
          Returns whether this service is a "hosted" service.
 boolean ServiceMO.isPasswordRequired()
          Returns whether this service requires a password for its accounts.
 boolean ServiceMO.isPasswordRequired()
          Returns whether this service requires a password for its accounts.
 boolean PasswordManager.isPasswordValid(java.util.Collection accounts, java.lang.String password)
          Deprecated. As of ITIM 5.0, replaced by PasswordManager.validatePassword(Collection accounts, String password).
 boolean PasswordManager.isPasswordValid(java.util.Collection accounts, java.lang.String password)
          Deprecated. As of ITIM 5.0, replaced by PasswordManager.validatePassword(Collection accounts, String password).
 void AccountMO.orphan()
          Orphans the account, or changes the account owner to unknown.
 void AccountMO.orphan()
          Orphans the account, or changes the account owner to unknown.
 void AccountManager.orphan(DistinguishedName userDN, java.util.Collection accounts)
          Orphans multiple accounts, or changes the account owner to unknown.
 void AccountManager.orphan(DistinguishedName userDN, java.util.Collection accounts)
          Orphans multiple accounts, or changes the account owner to unknown.
 void GroupMO.remove()
          Removes the group.
 void ServiceMO.remove()
          Removes the managed object from the provisioning platform.
 void ServiceMO.remove()
          Removes the managed object from the provisioning platform.
 void GroupMO.remove()
          Removes the group.
 Request AccountManager.remove(java.util.Collection accounts, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes multiple accounts from the provisioning platform.
 Request AccountManager.remove(java.util.Collection accounts, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes multiple accounts from the provisioning platform.
 Request AccountMO.remove(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes the managed object from the provisioning platform.
 Request AccountMO.remove(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Removes the managed object from the provisioning platform.
 Request AccessManager.removeAccess(IUserAccess accessToBeRemoved, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Submits a user access removal request to the provisioning platform.
 Request AccessManager.removeAccess(IUserAccess accessToBeRemoved, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Submits a user access removal request to the provisioning platform.
 ServiceRestartResult ServiceMO.restart()
          Tests communications with the physical service and if successful, restarts any pending provisioning actions that have been queued.
 ServiceRestartResult ServiceMO.restart()
          Tests communications with the physical service and if successful, restarts any pending provisioning actions that have been queued.
 Request AccountManager.restore(java.util.Collection accounts, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Restores multiple accounts.
 Request AccountManager.restore(java.util.Collection accounts, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Restores multiple accounts.
 Request AccountManager.restore(java.util.Collection accounts, java.lang.String password, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Restores multiple accounts with the password specified.
 Request AccountManager.restore(java.util.Collection accounts, java.lang.String password, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Restores multiple accounts with the password specified.
 Request AccountMO.restore(java.lang.String password, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Restores the account.
 Request AccountMO.restore(java.lang.String password, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Restores the account.
 void GroupMO.setAccessInfo(AccessInfo access)
          Sets the access information of the group.
 void GroupMO.setAccessInfo(AccessInfo access)
          Sets the access information of the group.
 Request AccountManager.submitAdoptionRequest(DistinguishedName ownerDN, java.lang.String ownershipType, java.util.Collection accounts)
          Adopts multiple accounts, or assigns the same owner (given) to all the accounts submitted.
 Request AccountManager.submitAdoptionRequest(DistinguishedName ownerDN, java.lang.String ownershipType, java.util.Collection accounts)
          Adopts multiple accounts, or assigns the same owner (given) to all the accounts submitted.
 Request AccountMO.submitAdoptionRequest(PersonMO owner)
          Adopts the account, or changes the account owner to the given person (identity).
 Request AccountMO.submitAdoptionRequest(PersonMO owner)
          Adopts the account, or changes the account owner to the given person (identity).
 Request AccountManager.suspend(java.util.Collection accounts, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Suspends multiple accounts.
 Request AccountManager.suspend(java.util.Collection accounts, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Suspends multiple accounts.
 Request AccountMO.suspend(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Suspends the account.
 Request AccountMO.suspend(java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Suspends the account.
 Request PasswordManager.synchPasswords(PersonMO personMO, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Synchronizes all of the given identity's account passwords to a system generated password.
 Request PasswordManager.synchPasswords(PersonMO personMO, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Synchronizes all of the given identity's account passwords to a system generated password.
 Request PasswordManager.synchPasswords(PersonMO personMO, java.lang.String password, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Synchronizes all of the given identity's account passwords to the given password.
 Request PasswordManager.synchPasswords(PersonMO personMO, java.lang.String password, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Synchronizes all of the given identity's account passwords to the given password.
 Request PasswordManager.synchPasswords(PersonMO personMO, java.lang.String password, java.util.Date scheduledTime, boolean notifyByMail)
          Synchronizes all of the given identity's account passwords to the given password.
 Request PasswordManager.synchPasswords(PersonMO personMO, java.lang.String password, java.util.Date scheduledTime, boolean notifyByMail)
          Synchronizes all of the given identity's account passwords to the given password.
 Request AccountMO.update(Account a, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 Request AccountMO.update(Account a, java.util.Date scheduledTime)
          Updates the managed object.
 void GroupMO.update(Group group)
          Updates the group with the given group value object.
 void GroupMO.update(Group group)
          Updates the group with the given group value object.
 void ServiceMO.update(ManualWorkOrder mwo)
          Updates the managed object.
 void ServiceMO.update(ManualWorkOrder mwo)
          Updates the managed object.
 void ServiceMO.update(Service s)
          Updates the managed object.
 void ServiceMO.update(Service s)
          Updates the managed object.
 void ServiceMO.update(Service s, ManualWorkOrder mwo)
          Updates the managed objects.
 void ServiceMO.update(Service s, ManualWorkOrder mwo)
          Updates the managed objects.
 void PasswordManager.validatePassword(java.util.Collection accounts, java.lang.String password)
          Determines whether the specified password is valid for all of the given accounts.
 void PasswordManager.validatePassword(java.util.Collection accounts, java.lang.String password)
          Determines whether the specified password is valid for all of the given accounts.

Uses of AuthorizationException in

Methods in that throw AuthorizationException
 void SystemRoleMO.addMembers(java.util.Collection members, java.util.Date effectiveDate)
          Adds multiple users to a System Role.
 SystemRoleMO SystemRoleManager.createRole(OrganizationalContainerMO container, SystemRole systemRole)
          Creates a system role in the provisioning platform with the specified attributes within the given container.
 void SystemRoleMO.remove()
          Removes the System Role associated with this SystemRoleMO.
 void SystemRoleMO.removeMembers(java.util.Collection members, java.util.Date effectiveDate)
          Removes multiple users from a System Role.
 void SystemRoleMO.update(SystemRole systemRole)
          Updates the System Role associated with a SystemRoleMO.

Uses of AuthorizationException in

Methods in that throw AuthorizationException
 AssignmentCompletionImpact UserRecertificationWorkflowAssignmentMO.checkCompletionImpact(java.util.List outputParameters)
          Checks the impact of completing this assignment.
 AssignmentCompletionImpact UserRecertificationWorkflowAssignmentMO.checkCompletionImpact(java.util.List outputParameters)
          Checks the impact of completing this assignment.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.complete()
          Signals completion of the assignment to the workflow engine.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.complete()
          Signals completion of the assignment to the workflow engine.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.complete(ActivityResult result)
          Signals completion of the activity to the workflow engine and provides the engine with the activity result in the same call.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.complete(ActivityResult result)
          Signals completion of the activity to the workflow engine and provides the engine with the activity result in the same call.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.defer(int deferralTime, java.lang.String deferralReason)
          Defers the assignment for the specified number of days In ITIM 4.6, the only item that can be deferred is compliance alert manual activity
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.defer(int deferralTime, java.lang.String deferralReason)
          Defers the assignment for the specified number of days In ITIM 4.6, the only item that can be deferred is compliance alert manual activity
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.delegate(PersonMO newOwner)
          Delegates/forwards the assignment to another participant.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.delegate(PersonMO newOwner)
          Delegates/forwards the assignment to another participant.
 void HumanResourceMO.getAssignmentGroups(WorkflowSearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieves groups of assignments for the participant involved.
 void WorkflowResourceMO.getAssignmentGroups(WorkflowSearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieves groups of assignments for the participant involved.
 void WorkflowResourceMO.getAssignmentGroups(WorkflowSearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieves groups of assignments for the participant involved.
 void HumanResourceMO.getAssignmentGroups(WorkflowSearchResultsMO results, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieves groups of assignments for the participant involved.
 java.util.Collection HumanResourceMO.getAssignments()
          Returns the assignments representing the human participant account.
 java.util.Collection WorkflowResourceMO.getAssignments()
          Returns the assignments representing the human participant account.
 java.util.Collection WorkflowResourceMO.getAssignments()
          Returns the assignments representing the human participant account.
 java.util.Collection HumanResourceMO.getAssignments()
          Returns the assignments representing the human participant account.
 void HumanResourceMO.getAssignments(WorkflowSearchResultsMO results, java.lang.String processDesignId, java.lang.String activityDesignId, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieves the assignments for the participant with the given process design id and activity design id.
 void WorkflowResourceMO.getAssignments(WorkflowSearchResultsMO results, java.lang.String processDesignId, java.lang.String activityDesignId, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieves the assignments for the participant with the given process design id and activity design id.
 void WorkflowResourceMO.getAssignments(WorkflowSearchResultsMO results, java.lang.String processDesignId, java.lang.String activityDesignId, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieves the assignments for the participant with the given process design id and activity design id.
 void HumanResourceMO.getAssignments(WorkflowSearchResultsMO results, java.lang.String processDesignId, java.lang.String activityDesignId, java.util.Locale locale)
          Retrieves the assignments for the participant with the given process design id and activity design id.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.lock()
          Locks the assignment so that other participants do not duplicate the effort to complete it unless the lock is released.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.lock()
          Locks the assignment so that other participants do not duplicate the effort to complete it unless the lock is released.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.unlock()
          Unlocks the assignment so that other participants may themselves lock or or complete it.
 void WorkflowAssignmentMO.unlock()
          Unlocks the assignment so that other participants may themselves lock or or complete it.

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2012. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricited Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.