Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelCommunicationException Provides a a low-level application programming interface for querying elements of the data model. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the core elements of the data model. Extends the package to provide an application programming interface for querying the system specific elements of the data model. Provides classes used for resolving conflicts between provisioning policies. 

Uses of ModelCommunicationException in

Methods in that throw ModelCommunicationException
static void ProfileLocator.create()
          This method initializes the locator.
 ObjectProfileEntity ObjectProfileFactory.create(DistinguishedName tenantDN, ObjectProfile profile)
          Creates an object profile in the data store.
 boolean Relationship.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity participates in the relationship.
 boolean DirectoryObjectParent.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is the parent of the subject entity.
 boolean RelationshipSelf.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          This method checks whether input participant participates in the relationship.
 java.util.Collection Relationship.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entities that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection DirectoryObjectParent.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one DirectoryObjectEntity objects that represent the parent of the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection RelationshipSelf.evaluate()
          This method evaluates the relationship and returns a collection of entities.
 java.util.Collection Relationship.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection DirectoryObjectParent.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection RelationshipSelf.evaluateReferences()
          This method evaluates the relationship and returns a collection of DistinguishedName objects.
 SearchResults DirectoryObjectSearch.fetch(DistinguishedName base, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for DirectoryObjects that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 java.util.Collection ObjectProfileSearch.getAllLifecycleProfiles(DistinguishedName tenantDN)
          This method gets all lifecycle profiles in the data store.
 java.util.Collection ObjectProfileSearch.getAllServiceProfiles(DistinguishedName tenantDN)
          Returns all service profiles in the data store.
 EntityLifecycleProfile DirectoryObjectEntity.getLifecycle()
          Returns the EntityLifecycleProfile holding all lifecycle characteristics of the entity (if defined).
 java.util.Collection ObjectProfileSearch.getLifeCycleProfilebyServiceTarget(DistinguishedName tenantDN, DistinguishedName targetDN)
          This method gets all lifecycle profiles pointing to particular service.
 DirectoryObjectEntity DirectoryObjectEntity.getParent()
          Returns the parent of the current object.
 DistinguishedName DirectoryObjectEntity.getParentDN()
          Retrieve the DistinguishedName of the parent of the current object.
 ObjectProfile DirectoryObjectEntity.getProfile()
          Returns the profile of the object.
 java.util.Collection ObjectProfileSearch.getProfilesInCategory(DistinguishedName tenantDN, java.lang.String category)
          Returns all object profiles with the given category in the data store.
 ObjectProfileEntity ObjectProfileSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Searches for an object profile with the given distinguished name.
 DirectoryObjectEntity DirectoryObjectSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Searches for a directory object with the given distinguished name.
 ObjectProfileEntity ObjectProfileSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName tenantDN, java.lang.String profileName)
          Searches for an object profile in the data store with the given profile name.
 void ObjectProfileEntity.remove()
          Removes the entity from the data store.
 void DirectoryObjectEntity.remove()
          Removes the entity from the data store.
 void DirectoryObjectEntity.remove(boolean copyToRecycle)
          Removes the entity from the data store.
 ObjectProfileCategory CategoryTable.retrieveCategory(java.lang.String categoryName)
          Gets category from directory server
 java.util.Collection base, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Deprecated. Replaced by fetch(base, filter, params).
 SearchResults DirectoryObjectSearch.searchByClass(DistinguishedName base, java.lang.String className, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for DirectoryObjects of the given class.
 java.util.Collection<ObjectProfileEntity> ObjectProfileSearch.searchByCustomClass(DistinguishedName tenantDN, java.lang.String customClass)
          Searches for object profile(s) in the data store with the given custom class.
 void DirectoryObjectEntity.setLifecycle(EntityLifecycleProfile profile)
          Changes the EntityLifecycleProfile holding all lifecycle characteristics of the entity (if defined).
 void ObjectProfileEntity.update()
          Updates the ObjectProfile in the data store with the given ObjectProfile value object with recorded changes.
 void DirectoryObjectEntity.update()
          Updates the attributes of the entity in the data store.
 void DirectoryObjectEntity.update(DirectoryObject updObject)
          Deprecated. since 5.0, please use update()
 void ObjectProfileEntity.update(ObjectProfile profile)
          Deprecated. use update()
 void CategoryTable.updateCategory(ObjectProfileCategory cat)
          Updates category in cache and store into ldap

Uses of ModelCommunicationException in

Methods in that throw ModelCommunicationException
 void AdminDomainEntity.addAdministrator(PersonEntity administrator)
          Adds the given administrator to the domain.
 DirectoryObjectEntity AccountEntity.addComplianceIssue(ComplianceIssue issue)
          Changes the current compliance issues logged against the account.
 void RoleEntity.addMemberRole(RoleEntity memberRoleEntity)
          Adds a member role to this role.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.addNotificationTemplate(int templateType, NotificationTemplate template)
          Adds the template for Workflow Reminder.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.addNotificationTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Adds the template for Workflow Reminder.
 void POConfigurationEntity.addNotificationTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Adds the template for Post Office Notification.
 void OwnershipTypeConfiguration.addOwnershipType(OwnershipType newType)
          Add the ownership type in LDAP, name must be unique.
 void PersonEntity.addRole(RoleEntity role)
          Adds the given role to the person's role memberships.
 DirectoryObjectEntity ServiceModel.addSupportingData(AttributeValues rdn, DirectoryObject directoryObject)
          Add a supporting data entry to the enrole data store.
 void AccountEntity.adopt(PersonEntity person)
          Adopt an orphan account by assigning an owner for the account.
 void PersonEntity.cleanupRoleAssignmentData()
          Clean up all invalid assignment data of the person in the data store.
 void GroupEntity.clearAccess()
          Clears the access information that is defined on the group.
 AdminDomainEntity AdminDomainFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, AdminDomain domain)
          Creates an admin domain in the data store with the given value object to define the admin domain's attributes.
 BusinessPartnerOrgEntity BusinessPartnerOrgFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, BusinessPartnerOrg bpo)
          Creates a business partner organization in the data store with the given value object to define the abusiness partner organization's attributes.
 BusinessUnitEntity BusinessUnitFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, BusinessUnit businessUnit)
          Creates a business unit in the data store with the given value object to define the business unit's attributes.
 DynamicRoleEntity DynamicRoleFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, DynamicRole role)
          Creates a dynamic role in the data store with the given value object to define the dynamic role's attributes.
 HostedServiceEntity HostedServiceFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, HostedService service)
          Creates a hosted service in the data store with the given value object.
 PersonEntity PersonFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, Person person)
          Creates a person in the data store with the given value object to define the person's attributes.
 RoleEntity RoleFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, Role role)
          Creates a role in the data store with the given value object to define the role's attributes.
 ServiceEntity ServiceFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, Service service)
          Creates a service in the data store with the given value object to define the service's attributes.
 OrganizationEntity OrganizationFactory.create(DistinguishedName tenantDN, Organization org)
          Creates an organization in the data store with the given value object to define the organization's attributes.
 AdminDomainEntity AdminDomainFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, AdminDomain domain)
          Creates an admin domain in the data store with the given value object to define the admin domain's attributes.
 BusinessPartnerOrgEntity BusinessPartnerOrgFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, BusinessPartnerOrg bpo)
          Creates a business partner organization in the data store with the given value object.
 BusinessUnitEntity BusinessUnitFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, BusinessUnit businessUnit)
          Creates a business unit in the data store with the given value object to define the business unit's attributes.
 DynamicRoleEntity DynamicRoleFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, DynamicRole role)
          Creates a dynamic role in the data store with the given value object to define the dynamic role's attributes.
 HostedServiceEntity HostedServiceFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, HostedService service)
          Creates a hosted service in the data store with the given value object.
 PersonEntity PersonFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, Person person)
          Creates a person in the data store with the given value object to define the person's attributes.
 RoleEntity RoleFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, Role role)
          Creates a role in the data store with the given value object to define the role's attributes.
 ServiceEntity ServiceFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, Service service)
          Creates a service in the data store with the given value object to define the service's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(PersonEntity owner, ServiceEntity service, Account account)
          Creates an account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(PersonEntity owner, ServiceEntity service, Account account, ObjectProfile profile)
          Creates an account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Account account)
          Creates an orphan account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 AccountEntity AccountFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Account account, ObjectProfile profile)
          Creates an orphan account in the data store with the given value object to define the account's attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group, AttributeValues rdn)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group attributes.
 GroupEntity GroupFactory.create(ServiceEntity service, Group group, AttributeValues rdn, ObjectProfile groupProfile)
          Creates a group in the data store with the given value object to define the group's attributes.
 void MailTemplateConfigurationEntity.createMailTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Adds the mail template.
 boolean Supervisor.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an supervisor of the subject entity.
 boolean GroupService.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a service of the subject directory object.
 boolean ServiceOwner.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an owner of the subject directory object.
 boolean PersonSelf.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is "self" to the subject directory object.
 boolean PersonRole.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a role of the subject person.
 boolean PersonAccount.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an account of the subject person.
 boolean OrganizationParent.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is the parent of the subject entity.
 boolean MultipleOwners.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an owner of the subject directory object.
 boolean AccountTemplateService.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a service of the subject directory object.
 boolean BusinessPartnerSponsor.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a sponsor of the subject entity.
 boolean AccountService.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a service of the subject directory object.
 boolean AccessOwner.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an owner of the subject directory object.
 boolean DirectoryObjectOrganization.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an organization of the subject entity.
 boolean AccountOwner.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an owner of the subject directory object.
 boolean AdminDomainAdministrator.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is an administrator of the subject admin domain.
 boolean AccountParent.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is a parent of the subject directory object.
 boolean ContainedEntityParent.doesParticipate(DirectoryObjectEntity participant)
          Determines if the given entity is the parent of the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection Supervisor.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or many PersonEntity objects that represent the supervisor of the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection<ServiceEntity> GroupService.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship and returns a service entity that represents the service of the subject directory object.
 java.util.Collection ServiceOwner.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one PersonEntity objects that represents the owner of the subject service.
 java.util.Collection PersonSelf.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 1 PersonEntity object that represents "self" for the subject directory object entity.
 java.util.Collection PersonRole.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one RoleEntity objects that the subject is a member of.
 java.util.Collection PersonAccount.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one AccountEntity objects that the subject owns.
 java.util.Collection OrganizationParent.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning the DirectorySystemEntity object that represents the parent of the subject organization.
 java.util.Collection MultipleOwners.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or more PersonEntity objects that represents the owner of the subject.
 java.util.Collection AccountTemplateService.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning ServiceEntity objects that represent the services of the subject directory object.
 java.util.Collection BusinessPartnerSponsor.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one PersonEntity objects that represents the sponsor of the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection AccountService.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning one ServiceEntity object that represents the service of the subject directory object.
 java.util.Collection<PersonEntity> AccessOwner.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one PersonEntity objects that represents the owner of the subject group access.
 java.util.Collection DirectoryObjectOrganization.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one OrganizationEntity objects that represents the organization of the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection AccountOwner.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one PersonEntity objects that represents the owner of the subject directory object.
 java.util.Collection AdminDomainAdministrator.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or more PersonEntity objects that represent the administrators of the subject admin domain.
 java.util.Collection AccountParent.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning one ServiceEntity or PersonEntity object that represents the parent of the subject directory object.
 java.util.Collection ContainedEntityParent.evaluate()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 or one OrganizationalContainerEntity objects that represent the parent of the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection Supervisor.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection<DistinguishedName> GroupService.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity distinguished names that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection ServiceOwner.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection PersonSelf.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection PersonRole.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection PersonAccount.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection OrganizationParent.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection<DistinguishedName> MultipleOwners.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection AccountTemplateService.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection BusinessPartnerSponsor.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection AccountService.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection<DistinguishedName> AccessOwner.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity distinguished names that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection DirectoryObjectOrganization.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection AccountOwner.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection AdminDomainAdministrator.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection AccountParent.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 java.util.Collection ContainedEntityParent.evaluateReferences()
          Evaluates the relationship returning 0 to many entity DNs that participate opposite the subject entity.
 AccessInfo GroupEntity.getAccessInfo()
          Returns any access information that is defined.
 java.util.Collection PersonEntity.getAccounts()
          Deprecated. Use AccountSearch class in provisioning package instead.
 java.util.Collection AdminDomainEntity.getAdministrators()
          Returns the administrators for the administrative domain.
 java.util.Collection AgentOperationImpl.getAgentOperation(java.lang.String filter)
          Returns the collection of Agent Operations that identifie the assembly line and configuration for the profile.
 java.util.Collection AgentOperationImpl.getAgentOperation(java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String attribute)
          Returns the collection of Agent Operations that identifie the assembly line and configuration for the profile.
 SearchResults ScalableAccountTable.getAll()
          Returns all accounts hosted by the service including account on concrete and hosted services.
 java.util.Collection DirectorySystemSearch.getAll()
          Retrieves all directory systems (tenant) from the data store.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getAll()
          Returns all accounts hosted by the service including account on concrete and hosted services.
 java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentAttribute> RoleEntity.getAllAssignmentAttributes()
          Get all assignment attributes from the current role and all the parent roles.
 java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentAttribute> RoleEntity.getAssignmentAttributes()
          Gets the assignment attribute.
 SearchResults ServiceModel.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Gets all supporting data for the service matching the given filter.
 SearchResults ScalableAccountTable.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Returns all accounts matching the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Returns all accounts matching the given filter.
 SearchResults ServiceModel.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter, boolean useClientSideFilteringForGroup)
 SearchResults AccountTable.getByFilter(java.lang.String filter, boolean useServiceTypeOptimization)
 SearchResults AccountTable.getByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN)
          Returns all accounts owned by the specified person.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getByUserID(java.lang.String userID)
          Returns all accounts hosted by the service with the given user id.
 java.util.Collection<Challenge> DirectorySystemEntity.getChallenges()
          Returns the challenge questions of password challenge and response.
 java.util.Collection AccountEntity.getComplianceIssues()
          Returns the current compliance issues logged against the account (if any).
 ServiceEntity HostedServiceEntity.getConcreteService()
          Returns the concrete service of the hosted service, this entity will proxy (i.e., NTDomain, Solaris, etc.).
 ServiceProfile ServiceEntity.getConcreteServiceProfile()
          Returns the profile that identifies the type of concrete service (i.e., NTDomain, Solaris, etc.). AccountEntity.getCredential()
          Returns the credential associated with the account, if any
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.getDependantServices(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves all dependant services from the data store with the given distinguished name of service.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getFlaggedNoncompliant()
          Returns all accounts hosted by the service including account on concrete and hosted services that have been flagged as non-compliant.
 java.util.Collection<GroupEntity> AccountEntity.getGroups()
          Returns a list of groups that this account belongs to.
 ServiceProfile HostedServiceEntity.getHostedServiceProfile()
          Returns the profile that identifies the type of concrete service this entity will proxy (i.e., NTDomain, Solaris, etc.).
 java.util.Collection ServiceEntity.getHostedServices()
          Returns all the hosted services associated with this service.
 PersonEntity PersonEntity.getImmediateSupervisor()
          Returns the Person's immediate supervisor (if any).
 MailTemplateConfigurationEntity DirectorySystemEntity.getMailTemplateConfigurationEntity()
          Returns the configuration for mail template.
 java.util.Collection MailTemplateConfigurationEntity.getMailTemplates()
          Returns all mail templates.
 java.util.Collection<RoleEntity> RoleEntity.getMemberRoles()
          Returns all immediate member roles of the role.
 java.util.Collection RoleEntity.getMembers()
          Returns all members of the role.
 java.util.Collection RoleEntity.getMembers(java.util.Collection returnAttributes)
          Returns all members of the role.
 java.util.Collection WorkflowConfigurationEntity.getNotificationTemplates()
          Returns all templates for Workflow Reminder.
 java.util.Collection POConfigurationEntity.getNotificationTemplates()
          Returns all templates for Post Office Notification.
 java.util.Collection WorkflowConfigurationEntity.getNotificationTemplates(int type)
          Returns all notification templates for a given template type.
 OrganizationEntity ServiceEntity.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization of the current object.
 OrganizationEntity RoleEntity.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization of the current object.
 OrganizationEntity PersonEntity.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization containing the person.
 OrganizationEntity AdminDomainEntity.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization that contains the admin domain.
 OrganizationEntity BusinessUnitEntity.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization of the current object.
 OrganizationEntity BusinessPartnerOrgEntity.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization of the current object.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getOrphaned()
          Returns all orphaned accounts hosted by the service.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getOrphansByFilter(java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all orphaned accounts hosted by the service with the given user id.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getOrphansByUserID(java.lang.String userID)
          Returns all orphaned accounts hosted by the service with the given user id.
 SearchResults AccountTable.getOwned()
          Returns all owned accounts hosted by the service.
 SearchResults ScalableAccountTable.getOwned(java.util.ArrayList attributeList)
          Returns all owned accounts hosted by the service.
 PersonEntity ServiceEntity.getOwner()
          Deprecated. Replace with getOwners() since TIM 5.0
 java.util.Collection<PersonEntity> RoleEntity.getOwner()
          Returns the owner(s) of the role, if any.
 java.util.Collection<PersonEntity> GroupEntity.getOwner()
          Returns the access owner if any.
 PersonEntity AccountEntity.getOwner()
          Returns the owner of an account.
 DirectoryObjectEntity ServiceEntity.getOwnerObject()
          Returns the owner object of the service (if any).
 java.util.Collection<DirectoryObjectEntity> RoleEntity.getOwnerObjects()
          Returns the owner objects of the role, if any.
 java.util.Collection<PersonEntity> ServiceEntity.getOwners()
          Returns the owner(s) of the service (if any).
 OwnershipType OwnershipTypeConfiguration.getOwnershipType(OwnershipType ownershipTypeInfo)
          Returns the ownership type by name (name has to be unique).
 java.util.Collection OwnershipTypeConfiguration.getOwnershipTypes()
          Returns all the available ownership types.
 OrganizationalContainerEntity OrganizationalContainerEntity.getParentContainer()
          Returns the parent organizational container (if any).
 java.util.Collection<RoleEntity> RoleEntity.getParentRoles()
          Returns all immediate parent roles of the role.
 POConfigurationEntity DirectorySystemEntity.getPOConfigurationEntity()
          Returns the configuration for Post Office notification.
 java.util.Collection ServiceEntity.getPrerequisites()
          Returns the prerequisites (if any) of the service.
 java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> PersonEntity.getRoleAssignmentData()
          Retrieves all role assignment data for the person.
 java.util.Map<DistinguishedName,RoleAssignmentObject> PersonEntity.getRoleAssignmentData(RoleEntity assignedRole)
          Retrieves all role assignment data of the person by a given assigned role.
 java.util.Collection PersonEntity.getRoles()
          Returns the roles the person is a member of.
 java.util.Collection<RoleEntity> PersonEntity.getRolesChanges(int changeAction)
          Returns the role chages for the person based on the change action, which can be either Add or Remove
 ServiceEntity GroupEntity.getService()
          Returns the Tivoli Identity Manager managed identity service to which the group applies.
 ServiceEntity AccountEntity.getService()
          Returns a service that hosts the account.
 PersonEntity BusinessPartnerEntity.getSponsor()
          Returns the BusinessPartnerEntity's sponsor.
 PersonEntity BusinessPartnerOrgEntity.getSponsor()
          Returns the sponsor for the business partner organization.
 PersonEntity PersonEntity.getSupervisor()
          Returns the Person's supervisor (if any).
 PersonEntity BusinessUnitEntity.getSupervisor()
          Returns the supervisor for the business unit.
 WorkflowConfigurationEntity DirectorySystemEntity.getWorkflowConfigurationEntity()
          Returns the configuration for workflow reminder and activity.
 boolean OrganizationalContainerEntity.hasDependencies()
          Returns whether there are any dependent entities within the container.
 boolean ServiceEntity.hasHostedService()
          Deprecated. use getHostedServices instead
 boolean RoleEntity.isAssignmentAttributeInUse(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Checks to see if any person has the assignment attribute values for the specified assignment.
 boolean PersonEntity.isComparableTo(java.lang.String filter)
          Compares the entity against the given filter.
 boolean AgentOperationImpl.isConfigured()
          Determine if assembly line is configured for the profile.
 ServiceEntity ServiceSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the service from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 RoleEntity RoleSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves a role from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 PersonEntity PersonSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the person from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 OrganizationalContainerEntity OrganizationalContainerSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Searches for a organizational container object with the given distinguished name.
 OrganizationEntity OrganizationSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the organization with the given distinguished name.
 NotificationTemplate NotificationTemplateImpl.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Searches for a notification template object with the given distinguished name.
 GroupEntity GroupSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the group from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 DirectorySystemEntity DirectorySystemSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the directory system (tenant) from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 AccountEntity AccountSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the account from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 BusinessUnitEntity BusinessUnitSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the business unit from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 DynamicRoleEntity DynamicRoleSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves a dynamic role from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 BusinessPartnerOrgEntity BusinessPartnerOrgSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the business partner organization with the given distinguished name.
 AdminDomainEntity AdminDomainSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the administrative domain with the given distinguished name.
abstract  DirectoryObjectEntity AbstractPolicySearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Searches for a policy object with the given distinguished name.
 GroupEntity GroupSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName serviceDN, java.lang.String groupID)
          Retrieves the group from the data store based on the unique id of the group.
 GroupEntity GroupSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName serviceDN, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String groupID)
          Retrieves the group from the data store based on the unique ID of the group.
 GroupEntity GroupSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName serviceDN, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String groupID)
          Retrieves the group from the data store based on the unique ID of the group.
 DirectorySystemEntity DirectorySystemSearch.lookupDefault()
          Retrieves the default directory system (tenant) from the data store.
 void MailTemplateConfigurationEntity.modifyMailTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Changes the mail template.
 void PersonEntity.move(OrganizationalContainerEntity container)
          "Moves" the Person into the given organizational container.
 AccountEntity AccountEntity.orphan()
          Orphan an account by removing the owner from the account.
 void RoleEntity.remove()
          Removes the role from the data store.
 void OrganizationEntity.remove()
          Removes the entity from the data store.
 void AccountEntity.remove()
          Removes the account from the data store.
 void AgentOperationImpl.remove()
          Removes all assembly lines for the profile.
 void AdminDomainEntity.removeAdministrator(PersonEntity administrator)
          Removes the given administrator from the domain.
 void AccountTable.removeAll()
          Removes all accounts hosted by the service.
 void AccountEntity.removeAllIssues()
          Remove supporting data entries of the service in the enrole data store
 void PersonEntity.removeAllRoleAssignmentData()
          Remove all assignment data of the person in the data store.
 void AccountEntity.removeComplianceIssue(DistinguishedName dn)
          Remove compliance issue entry by its Distinguished Name.
 void ServiceEntity.removeHostedServices()
          Removes all hosted services representing this service.
 void MailTemplateConfigurationEntity.removeMailTemplate(DistinguishedName templateDN)
          Removes the mail template.
 void MailTemplateConfigurationEntity.removeMailTemplate(java.lang.String templateName)
          Removes the mail template.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.removeNotificationTemplate(DistinguishedName templateDN)
          Removes the template for Workflow Reminder.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.removeNotificationTemplate(int templateType, java.lang.String templateName)
          Removes the template for Workflow Reminder.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.removeNotificationTemplate(java.lang.String templateName)
          Removes the template for Workflow Reminder.
 void POConfigurationEntity.removeNotificationTemplate(java.lang.String templateName)
          Removes the template for Post Office Notification.
 void AccountTable.removeOrphaned()
          Removes all orphaned accounts hosted by the service.
 void OwnershipTypeConfiguration.removeOwnershipType(OwnershipType type)
          Remove the ownership type.
 void PersonEntity.removeRole(RoleEntity role)
          Removes the given role from the person's role memberships.
 void PersonEntity.removeRoleAssignmentData(java.util.Set<RoleEntity> listAssignedRoles)
          Removes role assignment data for a given list of assigned roles.
 void ServiceModel.removeSupportingData()
          Remove supporting data entries of the service in the enrole data store
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByAccess(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String groupProfileName, java.lang.String accessInfo, java.lang.String accessType, SearchParameters params)
          Finds the groups in a specific organizational container (including organization) that are enabled for user request and matches the user's search criteria.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByAlias(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String alias, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people with the given alias.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByAlias(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String alias, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people with the given alias.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByAuthorizedRole(DistinguishedName roleDN, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people who are members of a given role or members of a child role of the given role in the role hierarchy
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByAuthorizedRoles(java.util.Collection<DistinguishedName> roleCol, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people who are members of any one of the roles in the given collection or members of a child role of any of the roles in the given collection
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, SearchParameters params, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String categoryName)
          Searches for people in a given category that meet the criteria defined within the given filter .
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, SearchParameters params, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String categoryName, java.lang.Comparable clientSideFilter)
          Searches for people in a given category that meet the criteria defined within the given filter .
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for services that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults RoleSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationalContainerSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizational containers that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for groups of all types that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for accounts that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults DynamicRoleSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for dynamic roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessPartnerOrgSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for business partner organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AdminDomainSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for admin domains that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, java.lang.Boolean includeITIMAccount)
          Searches for accounts that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, java.lang.Comparable clientSideFilter)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessPartnerOrgSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldapContext)
          Searches for business partner organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AdminDomainSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldapContext)
          Searches for admin domains that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, boolean resolveProfileAlias, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for services that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for services that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults RoleSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationalContainerSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String objProfileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizational containers that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for groups that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for accounts that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessUnitSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for business units that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, java.lang.Boolean includeITIMAccount)
          Searches for accounts that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, java.lang.Comparable clientSideFilter)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessUnitSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params, javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldapContext)
          Searches for business units that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 java.util.Collection<AccountEntity> AccountSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String ownershipType, java.lang.String profileName, SearchParameters params, boolean isResolveRecycleBin, boolean isIncludeOrphan)
          Returns a Collection of accounts with a given user id.
 SearchResults OrganizationSearch.searchByFilter(DistinguishedName tenantDN, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults RoleSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults OrganizationalContainerSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for organizational containers that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults DynamicRoleSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for dynamic roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessPartnerOrgSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for business partner organizations that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AdminDomainSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for admin domains that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, boolean resolveProfileAlias, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for services that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults BusinessUnitSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for business units that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByGroup(DistinguishedName groupDN, SearchParameters parameters)
          Returns all accounts belongs to a specific group.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByGroupAndUserId(DistinguishedName groupDN, java.lang.String userId, SearchParameters parameters)
          Returns all accounts belongs to a specific group.
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByGroupInfo(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> searchAttributes, java.lang.String groupInfo, SearchParameters params)
          Finds groups defined for a specific service and a specific group profile
 DirectorySystemEntity DirectorySystemSearch.searchById(java.lang.String id)
          Retrieves the directory system (tenant) from the data store with the given id (name).
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByName(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String name)
          Searches for people for a given name.
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByName(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String serviceName, SearchParameters params)
          Finds all services identified by the given name.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByName(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String name, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for people for a given name.
 java.util.Collection NotificationTemplateImpl.searchByName(DistinguishedName configDN, int type, java.lang.String name)
          Searches for notification template(s) with given configuration object and template type.
 java.util.Collection<ServiceEntity> ServiceSearch.searchByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN)
          Returns all services for a given owner distinguished name.
 java.util.Collection AccountSearch.searchByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN)
          Returns a Collection of accounts owned by the specified person.
 java.util.Collection AccountSearch.searchByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN, SearchParameters params)
          Returns a Collection of accounts owned by the specified person.
 java.util.Collection AccountSearch.searchByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN, java.lang.String ownershipType, SearchParameters params)
          Returns a Collection of accounts owned by the specified person.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByProfile(CompoundDN searchContext, SearchParameters params, java.lang.String profileName, java.lang.String value)
          Searches for people in a given category that meet the criteria defined within the given filter .
 SearchResults ServiceSearch.searchByProfile(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String profileName, SearchParameters params, boolean resolveProfileAlias)
          Finds all services identified by the given profile name.
 SearchResults PersonSearch.searchByRole(DistinguishedName roleDN, SearchParameters params)
          Returns all people who are members of a given role.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByService(DistinguishedName serviceDN)
          Finds all accounts for a specific service including orphan accounts.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchByService(DistinguishedName serviceDN, java.lang.String filter)
 SearchResults GroupSearch.searchByServiceAndGroupInfo(DistinguishedName serviceDN, java.lang.String profileName, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> searchAttributes, java.lang.String groupInfo, SearchParameters params)
          Finds groups defined for a specific service and a specific group profile.
 java.util.Collection NotificationTemplateImpl.searchByType(DistinguishedName configDN, int type)
          Searches for notification template(s) with given configuration object and template type.
 ServiceEntity ServiceSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the service for a specific URI.
 RoleEntity RoleSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the role for a specific URI.
 PersonEntity PersonSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the person for a specific URI.
 OrganizationalContainerEntity OrganizationalContainerSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the organizational container for a specific URI.
 OrganizationEntity OrganizationSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the organization for a specific URI.
 GroupEntity GroupSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the group for a specific URI.
 AccountEntity AccountSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the account for a specific URI.
 BusinessUnitEntity BusinessUnitSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the account for a specific URI.
 DynamicRoleEntity DynamicRoleSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find a dynamic role for a specific URI.
 BusinessPartnerOrgEntity BusinessPartnerOrgSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the business partner organization for a specific URI.
 AdminDomainEntity AdminDomainSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Finds the administrative domain for a specific URI.
 java.util.Collection AccountSearch.searchByUserID(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String userid, SearchParameters params, boolean isResolveRecycleBin)
          Returns a Collection of accounts with a given user id.
 java.util.Collection AccountSearch.searchByUserIDWithWildCard(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String userid, java.lang.String ownershipType, java.lang.String profileName, SearchParameters params, boolean isResolveRecycleBin, boolean isIncludeOrphan, boolean isInVault)
          Returns a Collection of accounts with a given user id.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchOrphansByService(DistinguishedName serviceDN)
          Returns a set of orphan accounts hosted by the specified service.
 SearchResults AccountSearch.searchOrphansByService(DistinguishedName serviceDN, SearchParameters params)
          Returns a set of orphan accounts hosted by the specified service.
 void GroupEntity.setAccessInfo(AccessInfo access)
          Defines the access information on the group.
 void AdminDomainEntity.setAdministrators(java.util.Collection administrators)
          Changes the administrators for the domain.
 void RoleEntity.setAssignmentAttributes(java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentAttribute> assignmentAttributes)
          Sets the assignment attributes to the role.
 void DirectorySystemEntity.setChallenges(java.util.Collection questions)
          Changes challenge questions of password challenge and response.
 void POConfigurationEntity.setConfiguration(POConfiguration config)
          Sets the configuration for Post Office Notification.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.setConfiguration(WorkflowConfiguration config)
          Sets the configuration for Workflow Reminder.
 void PersonEntity.setImmediateSupervisor(PersonEntity supervisor)
          Changes the Person's immediate supervisor to the given person.
 void WorkflowConfigurationEntity.setNotificationTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Changes the template for Workflow Reminder.
 void POConfigurationEntity.setNotificationTemplate(NotificationTemplate template)
          Changes the template for Post Office Notification.
 void ServiceEntity.setOwner(PersonEntity person)
          Changes the owner of the service.
 void ServiceEntity.setOwner(RoleEntity owner)
          Changes the owner of the service.
 void ServiceEntity.setPrerequisites(java.util.Collection services)
          Changes the list of prerequisites for the service.
 void PersonEntity.setRoles(java.util.Collection roles)
          Changes the person's role memberships.
 void BusinessPartnerEntity.setSponsor(DistinguishedName sponsorDN)
          Sets the BusinessPartnerEntity's sponsor.
 void BusinessPartnerOrgEntity.setSponsor(PersonEntity sponsor)
          Changes the sponsor for the business partner organization.
 void BusinessUnitEntity.setSupervisor(PersonEntity person)
          Changes the supervisor for the business unit.
 void ServiceEntity.update()
 void RoleEntity.update()
          Overwrites base implement to validate object class and include "eraccessitem" class and then Updates the attributes of the entity in the data store.
 void PersonEntity.update()
          Updates the attributes of the entity in the data store.
 void AccountEntity.update()
          Updates the attributes of the entity in the data store.
 void AccountEntity.update(Account account)
          Deprecated. use update().
 void RoleEntity.update(DirectoryObject updObject)
          Deprecated. please use update()
 void OwnershipTypeConfiguration.updateOwnershipType(OwnershipType updatedTypeInfo)
          Updates the ownership type in the data store.
 void PersonEntity.updateRoleAssignmentData(java.util.Set<RoleAssignmentObject> assignmentData)
          Changes the role assignment data of the person.

Constructors in that throw ModelCommunicationException
IdentityExclusionList(DistinguishedName tenantDN)
          Constructs the object with the context of a tenant.

Uses of ModelCommunicationException in

Methods in that throw ModelCommunicationException
 void SystemUserEntity.addDelegate(Delegate newDelegate)
          Adds a delegation for the user.
 void SystemUserEntity.addRole(SystemRoleEntity role)
          Adds the given role to the SystemUser's role (group) memberships.
 SystemRoleEntity SystemRoleFactory.create(CompoundDN logicalContext, SystemRole role)
          Creates a system role in the data store with the given value object to define the role's attributes.
 SystemUserEntity SystemUserFactory.create(DistinguishedName tenantDN, Person owner, Service service, SystemUser sysUser)
          Creates a system user in the data store with the given value object to define the SystemUser's attributes.
 SystemRoleEntity SystemRoleFactory.create(OrganizationalContainerEntity logicalContext, SystemRole role)
          Creates a system role in the data store with the given value object to define the role's attributes.
 java.util.Collection SystemRoleEntity.getMembers()
          Returns all members of the system role.
 OrganizationEntity SystemRoleEntity.getOrganization()
          Returns the organization of the current object.
 java.util.Collection SystemUserEntity.getRoles()
          Returns the system roles (groups) the user is a member of (if any).
 boolean SystemUserEntity.isSystemAdmin()
          Returns true if the SystemUser has a SystemRole in the SystemAdmin Category.
 SystemUserEntity SystemUserSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the SystemUser from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 SystemRoleEntity SystemRoleSearch.lookup(DistinguishedName dn)
          Retrieves the system role from the data store with the given distinguished name.
 boolean SystemUserEntity.removeDelegate(Delegate removeDelegate)
          Removes a delegation for the user.
 void SystemUserEntity.removeRole(SystemRoleEntity role)
          Removes the given role from the user's role (group) memberships.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByCategory(CompoundDN searchContext, int category, SearchParameters params)
          Retrieves all system roles within the given category.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByCategory(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, int category, SearchParameters params)
          Retrieves all system roles within the given category.
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByDelegate(DistinguishedName tenantDN, DistinguishedName delegateDN, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users that have the specified delegate.
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByFilter(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByFilter(DistinguishedName tenantDN, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByFilter(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String filter, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system roles that meet the criteria defined within the given filter.
 SearchResults SystemRoleSearch.searchByName(CompoundDN searchContext, java.lang.String name, SearchParameters params)
          Retrieves all system roles within the given name.
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByOwner(DistinguishedName ownerDN, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users (platform accounts) owned by the given person (identity).
 SearchResults SystemUserSearch.searchByRole(DistinguishedName roleDN, SearchParameters params)
          Searches for system users (platform accounts) that are members of the given system role (group).
 SystemUserEntity SystemUserSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the system user for a specific URI.
 SystemRoleEntity SystemRoleSearch.searchByURI(OrganizationalContainerEntity searchContext, java.lang.String uri)
          Find the system role for a specific URI.
 SystemUserEntity SystemUserSearch.searchByUserID(DistinguishedName tenantDN, java.lang.String userID)
          Retrieves the system user with the given id.
 void SystemUserEntity.setIsDelegated(boolean isDelegated)
          Changes the current delegation flag.
 void SystemUserEntity.updateDelegate(Delegate oldVersion, Delegate newVersion)
          Replaces the old delegation with the new delegation.

Uses of ModelCommunicationException in

Methods in that throw ModelCommunicationException JoinDirector.combineEntitlements()
          Method will combine entitlements contained in the EntitlementInProvisioningPolicy objects into a joined entitlement.

IBM Security Identity Manager 6.0.0
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2012. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricited Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.