
GoonIT ISAM Appliance Dashboard

Allows the management of your ISAM Appliances in all environments through a single interface. Simplifies and automates the management of WebSEALs and Junction definitions across all your appliances.

ISAM disk
ISAM memory
ISAM disk
ISAM memory

The ISAM Appliance Dashboard can easily be extended to deliver any functionality supported by the ISAM REST API. The following features are currently being considered for development: -


The Goonit ISAM Appliance Dashboard is a DOJO javascript client which makes RESTful services calls to a J2EE component. The J2EE component simply forwards the requests to the appropriate ISAM appliance and returns the response: -

ISAM Architecture

WebSEAL Management

This video shows the Dashboard loading and comparing the WebSEAL configurations across multiple environments: -

Junction Management

Junction data is easily loaded and managed: -

Throttle Junctions

Quickly identify relevant Junctions based on the target server name / port and perform maintenanace such as throttling or offlining the junction: -

pdadmin commands

Issue pdadmin commands or whole scripts through the Web browser to any target environment: -